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On Life, Sex and Death

We are supposed to be ‘shock horrored’ by this documentary, at the notion this could happen at all.

Photo by Luis Melendez / Unsplash


Our delightful, brave and very smart friend Dr Meryl Nass notes a creepy trend, in her latest substack, titled “Sexy” lying Covid hero doctors continue confabulating.

Meryl has a fondness for New Zealand, having family from here, and we agree with her that NZ is very important in the big picture – to the globalists, as a hide out (and testing ground for mind manipulation) and to the world’s journey up out of tyranny. We need to become the sheep that roared. 

READ: “Sexy” Lying Covid Hero Doctors Continue Confabulating

In her post, she notes the serial sexualisation by the media of the men (mainly)  who have fronted the jabdemics in the US, UK, Germany and here – Fauci, Whitty, Drosten and Bloomfield, respectively. Hardly Hercules to look at, any of them, but we are supposed to go flushed and swoon at the sheer authoritarian confidence they oozed as they locked us up, smothered our faces and mass jabbed anyone they could, even those women unable to ovulate at the very sight of them – the already pregnant.

Meryl Nass profiles our own Dr Heart Throb (oh, how ironic)  Ashley Bloomfield – whose last move in office incidentally was to mass fluoridate our water supply, with a now widely accepted neurotoxin which is as poisonous as lead for developing brains and the rest of us. She lists his now impressive collection of gilded positions. Quite something for a mass poisoner – by fluoride and the jab – and serial liar. She dissects his lies, and especially his nonsense written in a just-released discussion paper, where he urges yet more control by the global elite as it prepares for the next round. Perhaps he lacks confidence in his own overarching grip of NZ’s covid response. Or perhaps he is just following the same orders as all the other sexy docs.

Either way, lets exit the WHO. We don’t deserve each other. 

Obama’s Netflix Does Unwitting Irony – or Takes the Mickey

By coincidence, as these things often are, we have just watched the Netflix documentary series Bad Surgeon, about a psychopathic narcissist doctor who knowingly tricked his patients into an untested experimental trachea transplant procedure which killed all seven known patients, horribly in all cases. Paolo Macchiarini, at his first trial in Sweden, was given a suspended sentence and put on probation for two years. The bosses at the Karolinska Institute who had covered up his crimes weren’t prosecuted. Of the leniency, the investigative journalist who uncovered his fraud said:

This sends a really dangerous signal to the medical world that it’s OK to try out new dangerous lethal innovations, that you haven’t tested on animals in the lab, on human patients.

Sound familiar? Well, at least the mRNA jabs were given to a tiny number of animals. But they were a disaster and are now being tested on people anyway. Billions of us.

A doctor colleague of Macchiarini’s who tried to blow the whistle and lost his job for it stated of his ‘sentence’: 

His patients deserve more than that. Their families deserve more than that. 

Thankfully the prosecutor appealed the verdict and Macchiarini went to jail for (only) 2.5 years

Another of the journalists finishes the series with these chilling words, that are oh so relevant to the Covid vaxageddon.

It is not just the conscious evil actions of one man that lead to bad results. It is also the small cowardly non actions. And they exist in each and every one of us. All the time.

We are supposed to be ‘shock horrored’ by this documentary, at the notion this could happen at all. Perhaps the timing of its release is supposed to be a distraction from the team of six billion who are now dying by the millions, at the hands of the legions of medical jabbers who threw all caution to the wind, and drank the Kool-Aid to salve their own anxiety and maintain their standing. 

Well, that went well. Do they look so hot now, these sexy guy and doll medics?

This article was originally published by the New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science.
