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One Con Job after Another

For all their blatherskite about “saving democracy”, the Democrats are stomping all over it.

Can't you just feel the sincerity oozing? The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Politics is rarely without irony, if not staggering hypocrisy. Take, for instance, “independent” MP Zali Steggall demanding “truth in political advertising” laws. But, should such laws have existed in the US, the Democrats would be out of a job, if not their very name.

Because, for all their bleating about “saving democracy”, the Democrats are doing their damnedest to stomp all over it. It’s not just the weaponisation of state bureaucracy against political opponents and extrajudicial assassinations of US citizens (under the Obama regime) or the ideological purges of the military and the endless roster of show trials under Biden. The internal processes of the Democratic party itself are very, very far from democratic.

Whatever we might think of him, there’s no doubt that there was a groundswell of grassroots support for Bernie Sanders in 2016. The Democratic National Committee steadily rigged the primary process to make sure their anointed candidate, Hillary Clinton, was pushed through.

Now, they’re parachuting in a candidate who has never won a single primary or presidential vote in her entire career.

Because, again, no matter what we may think of him, Joe Biden was the candidate anointed by the primary votes. Now, his own party is stabbing him in the back with all the viciousness they mustered against Sanders.

Their fulsome tributes - “true patriot”, “man of honour”, “putting his country first” - might be more convincing if most of these same people had not spent the last week or two scheming, conniving and bullying to get the incumbent president to step aside in the face of wilting polling numbers against Donald Trump. Nancy Pelosi, the former House speaker, Barack Obama, the former president, and Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader, were all as quick to praise the ageing Biden on Sunday as they had been busily preparing to bury him on Saturday.

One of the few Democrat politicians with even a shred of integrity, Senator John Fetterman, is scathing of his own party’s powerbrokers. “Spare me the soaring accolades from people with their fingerprints on the blades in our president’s back.”

Pretending Biden’s farewell was an act of self-abnegation is almost as big a lie as the claim people in politics and the media made for the past six months that he was completely up to the job for another four years. Most of the media have been eager participants in the fraud. As late as a month ago they were dutifully relaying the White House message that there was nothing wrong with Biden. When The Wall Street Journal published a lengthy piece in June with shocking details about his frailties, other media outlets rushed to denounce it.

If Biden had announced he was going earlier this year, the claim that it was an act of selflessness might have had some merit. Coming, as it did, after poor polling numbers following his debate performance last month it looks like a well-orchestrated putsch of breathtaking cynicism.

It also exposes that for at least a year, the Democrats and their camp-followers have perpetrated a massive fraud on the American people. Biden’s mental acuity didn’t just precipitously collapse on June 28 (the day of the presidential debate): Biden’s brain has been on permanent rinse-cycle for at least a year. Everyone knew it, but the DNC and most of the media chose to lie about it, until even they couldn’t pretend any more.

Only when they were found out were they forced to own up to the hard truth that their candidate was in no condition to run again and serve again - and then, in another cynical act that mocks the democratic idea, move to oust the man who won his party’s primary contest with 80 per cent of the vote.

So, are they going to honour democracy and run the primary selection process again? Or even pass it down to the runner-up, Dean Phillips? No: they are almost certainly going to bestow the candidacy on someone so unpopular she couldn’t garner a single vote at the primaries.

When she ran for the 2020 Democratic nomination her campaign was so poor that she withdrew from the contest even before the first primary votes were cast. This record of uncertain electoral appeal goes back further. She first came to real prominence in 2010 when she ran for California attorney-general. In a state that is as Democratic as any in the country she only just made it against her Republican opponent, while other Democrats on the same ballot were chalking up landslides.

Finally, the question remains of how, if he is unfit to continue in the election, can Biden possibly be fit to continue in the world’s most important office for another six months?

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