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Photo by Fringer Cat. The BFD.

Willie Jackson does a great impersonation as 1 of the 2 seagulls fighting over a French fry at the beach!

Hello, it’s All things Political, with John Porter on Bay FM and I’m going to (again) try to throw a little sunlight on the warped thinking of Willie Wonker, Labour’s Propaganda Minister.

Willie’s recent rant where he slammed the “one person, one vote” concept as outrageous highlights his ignorance. As we all know, “one person, one vote” is the core of democracy. But he also compounds his stupidity when countering with, “the nature of our democracy has changed!”

Then has the effrontery to respond with “politicians questioning the changes are engaging in racist dog-whistles”.

What planet does this guy dwell on? “Planet Stupid”?

Well, here’s another pearl of wisdom from Willie – “With MMP it’s one person, two votes.” As the fly said to himself while walking up a mirror, “That’s one way of looking at it.”

Willie just doesn’t grasp the fact that every voter is at the same level, whether they vote once or twice under MMP. Willie chooses to ignore the fact that everyone having a vote or votes of equal weight to elect those who represent them, is not just a value, it is the foundation of democracy.

Willie Jackson claims: “…democracy in 2022 is broader and more expansive than just one person, one vote.”

Back in April in an extraordinary interview on Q+A Willie was unable to explain how co-governance was democratic. He claimed “democracy has changed” but couldn’t say how it had changed and said co-governance was the same as MMP. But was still unable to explain how.

Sadly for Willie, he was unable to give a single example of how co-governance is democratic, instead attacked the presenter of the show, even questioning Jack Tame’s level of education.

The push to have co-governance and co-management arrangements beyond those already introduced through Treaty Settlements, are claimed to be a response to meet Maori ambitions, and address Maori inequality.

While Willie arrogantly denounces Westminster Democracy, he has been conveniently and diligently using his concept of democracy to spread government largesse.

He has engineered an agreement for the Public Service to award 5 per cent of its $2.1 billion procurement budget to Maori businesses; he’s secured $75 million in spending money for a yet-to-be established Maori Spectrum Entity. He’s captured the Maori media sector an additional $40 million over two years.

Last week he announced $14.9 million for four Maori boarding schools. Previously payments of $2.3 million were made in 2021/22 to Hato Paora and St Joseph’s.

There’s also an investment of $750,000 to help Maori-owned AgriSea New Zealand.

Not bad, this “Westminster” democracy for accessing money, is it, Willie?

There are a lot more “achievements” that could make the list but I think you get the point I am making; Maori politicians loudly and proudly denounce colonisation and democracy while conveniently ignoring the benefits of colonisation and the resultant stability it established.

So maybe Willie is not as stupid as I have claimed. He, along with the Maori caucus, have been scheming enough to exploit a compliant government, who have, in turn, suborned the MSM so as to minimise and even prevent public scrutiny and have calculatingly instituted Tribal Democracy, all wrapped up in a cloak of co-governance.

Tribal Democracy has permeated all levels of governance in New Zealand now. The democratic process has been hijacked by tribal politics.

This is where self-elected leaders can exploit tribal loyalty to advance personal gain, parochial interests, patronage, and cronyism.

But tribes are not built along democratic lines and only thrive on zero-sum competition.

As a result, they are contrary to democratic governance.

In essence, tribal practices are occupying a vacuum created by lack of strong democratic institutions.

Tribal groupings see themselves as infallible but in the real world, parties have to be accountable to the people.

Energetically pushing the co-governance/Tribal Democracy agenda, are radical Maori who are certain, and have convinced many younger, impressionable Maori, that their rights have been denied ever since 1840! The first step in correcting these “denied rights”, is to have the government providing Maori with more cash and more assets.

Radical Maori are energised because in April 2022 a group comprising Iwi Chairs, the Human Rights Commission and the Maori Affairs Department published a document titled Key Themes for Maori Targeted Engagement which is essentially a plan to implement the “United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People”. UNDRIP.

Maori radicals have an ultimate aim of self-determination and self-government. Forget co-governance, they want more!

They see UNDRIP as a blueprint for harvesting even more bounty. They have a barely hidden, dangerous agenda.

They see themselves as a separate, distinct “Nation” within the nation of New Zealand. A nation that has its own laws and one where they control their own destiny.

I wonder who they expect to fund this separate nation? I bet Willie Wonker knows who the targeted soft touch is!

Barrister, solicitor, judge, and former law lecturer Anthony Willy sums up the declaration and its view on co-governance nicely when he says:

There can be no question of any sharing of government, local or national, relying on the Declaration. Neither can reliance on the Treaty support such a claim, given that on any view of the document it vests sovereignty in the Crown in Parliament.”

But what is clear is that if co-governance is pursued, the whole exercise is utterly destructive of harmonious race relations in New Zealand and for the future of our democracy.

It is a tragedy waiting to happen. And all for what?

Co-governance. Utterly destructive of harmonious race relations in New Zealand and for the future of our democracy!

Think about that, people.


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