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‘One Source of Truth’ = Propaganda

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit SadButTrue

You may remember at the start of the CCP Virus pandemic there were a lot of rumours flying about regarding a pending lockdown. Jacinda Ardern, at the time, denied there was a lockdown planned and also implored everyone to believe only the government mouthpieces as the “single source of truth”:

Then during a particularly testy period when the government was under the hammer for border control failure, Chris Hipkins declared that the government was the “one source of truth”, immediately before getting basic facts wrong from the newly nicknamed “podium of truth”:

And now we have another government minister, Peeni Henare, talking about the “one source of truth“:

A Labour MP has hit out at MPs sharing misinformation and criticism of the Government’s COVID-19 response, saying they’re being “extremely unhelpful”.

Associate Minister of Health Peeni Henare told Newshub Nation on Saturday they should instead be looking to the “one source of truth” – the Government and Ministry of Health – when it comes to communicating with the public about the pandemic.


What that all means is exactly what our Prime Minister ‘Jackboot’ Jacinda Ardern has been saying, that this is “sustained propaganda“:

These people are out of control, and their words give away the game. No wonder they want the Opposition, and people like me, silenced.

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