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Only One Kind of ‘Diversity’ That Counts

Phil Green

With all the turmoil occurring in France presently, where youths are pillaging shops and burning cars and buildings, we in New Zealand watching the nightly news can breathe serenely and think: ‘That’ll never happen here.’

For a start, we don’t have poverty, a disaffected youth or activists clamouring to apologise for historical injustice. Oh wait, hang on…

What’s never mentioned in the mainstream media these days is there’s a particular group who are committing these anti-social acts of violence. Perhaps, Kate Hannah, this is why the more curious prefer to scan a variety of non-aligned news to form a broader view. But Kate knows the scam and, like those health officials who turned a blind eye to the Nuremberg protocol, the dollars stop rolling in when you subscribe to inconvenient, petty issues like autonomy and civil rights.

I digress. To avoid risking a jihad upon myself and The BFD, I’ll mention the groups not presently embarking on the torching of France. These peaceful groups are people with a pedigree of at least four generations and Asian migrants, mainly from the former French colonies of Vietnam and Cambodia, who have been impeccably hard-working migrants.

Mmm…I wonder where the latest migrants into France have come from?

Just like I can’t say here explicitly the religion or ethnicity of the group now destroying France, we now can’t speak about or identify the group that is causing so much distress to New Zealand. At least with gangs, the media will say, “Black Power” or “Mongrel Mob”, so we know who we’re dealing with, which is why I’m against de-patching.

Yet, despite the media embargo on citing ethnicity, most New Zealanders know that when you hear of an assault or crime, almost 100 per cent it wasn’t committed by an Indian, Chinese or other Asian citizen. These days, I’d consider that most New Zealanders being not told the ethnicity of the assailant almost always leads them to the conclusion the media are wishing to avoid.

And the saddest fact about New Zealand right now is those Indian, Chinese and Asian immigrants have no voice. That is racism, and this term is so loosely bandied about now it’s losing its impact. But it shouldn’t, because these families are exemplars of good citizenship. Yet now in 2023, they must really worry about what they’ve stumbled into, which is being second-class citizens in what was earlier perceived to be a first-world country.

Don’t quote me, but I’ve read that the Chinese population alone in New Zealand is close, maybe less than but close, to the Maori population. Even if this is wrong, if you add in other ethnicities it’ll be close enough to wonder why we keep clamouring on about “diversity”. The media aren’t interested in this type of diversity. They of course have a very specific ethnicity and diversity they’re supporting.

Lastly, and sadly, when you see what’s happening in France, you know we’re next. We’ve seen it with the ram raiders, the lockdown of Opotiki and the entrenchment of tribal rule in our councils, Three Waters and the wholesale selling out by the judiciary to tribal elite claims.

New Zealand was racked by civil war during the 1860s, when one group of Maori stood by the settler government, while another Maori group said it was all wrong. The latter group this time around has acquired ascendency, but this time through the courts.

This equation won’t be settled by a new government, but only when enough people like Helen Clark call the dissidents “wreckers and haters”.


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