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Oops, Some of Jacinda’s Hamsters Have Jumped off the Wheel

brain dead stupid hamster on a wheel inside head brain

David Seymour is “wrong, wrong, wrong”, to quote Tova O’Brien. His (unconscious?) fear of being politically incorrect condemns him to throw a bone to the PM before criticising her. The left-wing media, radical identity groups and the current socialist government have such an iron grip on NZ society that even intrepid politicians like Seymour live in fear of the outraged.

(Of course, that does not apply to Judith Collins who has been on the receiving end of vitriolic attacks by Willy Jackson, going for the jugular with his pidgin English, no pleasantries required. And no one, not even Seymour with his more eloquent, diplomatic approach, and who may work with her one day, comes to her rescue.)

No, David, Ardern is not a nice, kind person and please don’t pay lip service to the lie. What we see is a brittle veneer on display to fool us all. (Notably at APEC, where she was in demand despite NZ being ‘worst in show’ globally with vaccinations!)

Our actions show our worth, our character, compassion and our true disposition. Her actions are brutal, callous and ruthless. No kindness is on the horizon for those who really need it. It is only for those who vote for her.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke

How can a nice, kind person cling to unsuccessful policies, like an immigration reset, which is destroying people’s lives? Horticulturalists have lost millions of dollars’ worth of product left to rot on the ground because she blocks immigrant workers’ access to New Zealand when no one here will do the work.

Image credit The BFD.

Dairy farmers with calving just around the corner are thousands of workers short. The anxiety and mental health issues must be huge in these sectors. We know lives have already been lost to suicide. Ardern is the lip service merchant. She will express sympathy in her virtue-signalling way and move on.

A sign of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. She will not let New Zealanders’ misery get in the way of her and Grant’s desire to Build Back Better. That is her affliction.

The French say: Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. The more things change, the more things stay the same. That particularly applies at the moment. With inflation at 3.3%, we need to stick to our knitting: the primary and associated sectors, which provide 70% of our GDP. We must nurture those industries which provide food for us and the world.

The Paris Climate Accord exempted world food producers, like New Zealand, from climate change regulations. James Shaw ignores that fact; he makes up his own, and farmers are condemned to pay the cost as their lives become a living nightmare.

Groundswell Auckland. Photo credit The BFD.

The government wants highly skilled immigrants. Primary sector workers must be highly skilled because no kiwis can or want to do their jobs! After increasing their wages and improving work conditions there was still no interest from the lazy 200,000 (laughingly named) ‘job seekers’ sitting on their bums on welfare.

We are informed that 70% of people fail to turn up for job interviews in Rotorua. There is no penalty for beneficiaries so why should they?

This soft socialist government refuses to put more stringent rules in place for beneficiaries because they are Labour’s voting base. This weak, cowardly approach means the people who suffer are innocent employers looking for workers.

Howl of a Protest Queen Street Auckland. Photo credit The BFD.

Pressure from the Groundswell protest caused foolish Faafoi to relent and give immigrants another year on their visa, which will (maybe) help some of the sector. The problem is that the government are blinded by their grandiose ideas, inflexible thought, laziness and inability to strategise. They cannot or will not see both sides of a problem. Yes, we can train New Zealanders to do some of the work.

The dairy sector, which is tough physical work with unsociable hours, provides worker accommodation so it doesn’t put stress on the housing market by using immigrant labour. Our tone-deaf government is ‘best in show’ for callousness on this subject.

Then there are the Kiwis with family obligations stuck overseas suddenly at the back of the queue, so Arden does a backflip and gives holidaying Kiwis in Sydney a home free pass: having earlier told them they had been warned about lockdowns and were on their own.

She rejects that now. The present is all that matters. The past in her world is a foreign country. Sorry, Jacinda, you are entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts.

She has lied (again), as former National Minister Maurice Williamson, who has a son stuck overseas, so succinctly put it on the AM Show. His commanding presence had me riveted to the screen and it takes quite a bit to impress me–I must have got used to the vanilla presence of the current crop of politicians.

Anyone who can shut Duncan Garner up for a prolonged time with a persuasive commentary on the tedious subject of MIQ, whilst correctly and repeatedly calling Ardern a liar, has my vote. Williamson is forthright, a great communicator, and does not suffer fools. Perhaps he should stand for the Auckland mayoralty. Auckland needs a strong conservative mayor to bring back some sanity to the Auckland Council.

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