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“We know you’re keeping a souvenir boomerang from 1986 in there!” The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Have they installed “Indigenous Only” drinking fountains in Victoria, yet? Because that’s the way Cucktoria is going, as its ruling elite seem determined to hair-shirt themselves for the heinous crime of their deplorable voters rejecting Anthony Albanese’s racially separatist referendum.

After even Australia’s wokest state resoundingly voted “No”, the gaggle of pasty-white “Aunties” and “Uncles” who’ve been gouging taxpayers for years are clearly out for revenge on their fellow Whites. At least, the ones who aren’t shiftless and greedy enough to gin up a make-believe Ungabunga Tribe distant ancestor or two and hop on the “First Nations” gravy train.

Their latest grift is demanding Race Cops, with powers to kick down doors in the name of the Oogabooga Spirit.

Indigenous cultural investigators should be free to enter private properties such as farms and houses in Victoria without the owner’s or renter’s permission, under reforms sought by the peak First Nations heritage body.

The Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council warned in a pre-election legislative review that staff investigating alleged cultural heritage breaches had too little power to properly determine what has happened.

The council said the law should be toughened so that officers can enter land or premises without the consent of the occupier, which would also mean investigators could walk on to farms or other land if the owner was away.

Will they have to get a warrant first? Or just do a smoking ceremony?

Under the legislation, an authorised officer must receive permission to enter the property but have the option of obtaining a search warrant, although this is a cumbersome and sometimes slow process.

So, no warrant, it is.

And what is used to justify this outrageous breach of Victorians’ long-held rights?

The example used by the VAHC – an agency of Victoria’s Department of Premier and Cabinet – was of the remains of an Indigenous person that might be being kept in a shed but never retrieved under current law because entry was contingent on the occupier’s approval.

So, let’s make up something that never happened, in order to justify the most race-based policing since “kaffirs” were arrested for merely offending a Boer in 1980s South Africa. But then, making up things that never happened is stock-in-trade for the Aboriginal Industry. Just ask “Mudrooroo” and Bruce Pascoe.

Victoria’s Orwellian “Cultural Police” are just part of a wider muscle-flexing by Aboriginal Industry troughers, who are stealthily locking Australians out of more and more natural areas, on spurious grounds of “cultural harm”.

The VAHC is a multi-member Indigenous body that advises the Victorian government, and the wider search powers were supported as part of a suite of measures put to the Victorian government to overhaul the legislation.

The VAHC conducted a comprehensive review of the legislation that includes the power to fine rock climbers more than $346,000 if they seriously harm cultural heritage in areas such as Victoria’s Grampians National Park.

Victoria’s Aboriginal Heritage Act is being used by the Allan government to crush the rock climbing community on the grounds of protecting cultural heritage at the park, which contains art and heritage including remnants from stone tool building and general quarrying.

Art, it must be noted, that no one can actually see because it was long ago washed away by the wind and sun. No one would ever have even known it once existed, were it not for dat whitepela magics, like x-ray scanners. But, having been so shit at preserving their “cultural heritage” that it simply eroded away, Victoria’s “Aborigines” are apparently set on punishing anyone else who fails to notice the invisible remains.

And, having lost a democratic vote, the troughers and race-grifters are determined to get their apartheid state by any other means they can.

The cultural heritage issue has reignited after the voice referendum failed, particularly in many rural and regional areas where there are concerns about what treaty negotiations and other rights issues might mean for farmers and recreational pursuits.

The rock climbing industry, once globally significant, has been wrecked by climbing bans at the Grampians and parts of nearby Mt Arapiles, while walkers, campers and off-roaders also face significant curbs in the Grampians because of cultural heritage concerns.

The Australian revealed on Monday that Victoria’s First Peoples-State Relations unit was covertly using vehicle registrations and other intelligence to determine whether park users should be prosecuted under the state’s cultural heritage laws.

A rock climber’s house has twice been visited by a unit inspector who claimed the unnamed owner’s vehicle had been identified in multiple alleged offences.

The Australian

“First Peoples-State Relations unit” — Orwell couldn’t have done better.

Just remember: In VicSoc, the Rainbow Serpent Is Watching.


Face of the Day

Face of the Day

Legend Eddie Low has died. He was educated at the Foundation for the Blind in Auckland. He started his first band when he was 13 and called it the Three Blind Mice.

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