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The BFD. Photo by Helloquence

It is with great concern that I write this but I feel compelled to do so, before the subsequent change in hate speech laws.

These laws will basically curtail any and all debate over such issues as a report that will, without any consultation with the majority of the voting public, act as a roadmap. It will shape the way in which ministries are conducted and ultimately work towards a partnership between Maori and Pakeha in a co-governance model by 2040.

The first concern I have is that it is a matter of public record, that you, Jacinda Ardern, have made a public comment that your government is “a government for the people”. The public is under the mistaken belief that this means that your government is for everyone. However, the active directions given to Ministries would indicate that the current Government has all but adopted the He Puapua framework in consultation with Iwi only.

Second, your reluctance to discuss this document with the majority of the people in this country who are non-Maori.

Third, the intended crown takeover of ownership and purification of water, which would then be handed back to Iwi as proposed by He Puapua.

Fourth, the Great Reset, where we will accept a World Corporate Tax decision of the United Nations.

Fifth, the reluctance to allow any issues to be brought up in the debating chamber by labelling any such criticism as racist.

Sixth, the changing of Law under urgency, to remove the binding nature of referendums, so that local body councils can impose Maori Wards even if the majority of people do not support them.

Seventh, when Labour wrote off Statutory Acts that were no longer used, the Constitution Act 1966, that was enacted by the late Right Honourable Robert Muldoon and which required 75% of the voting public to alter the Act, was written off, as the majority of the public would not have been aware of it.

Eighth, the High Court decision on the coastal shore and seabed effectively could mean that full control is handed over to Iwi. This means that as a non-Iwi person, I will have my right to freely move anywhere within this country restricted. This, in itself, shows the problem of the United Nations Charter for Indigenous People. To enact it will see the removal of freedoms as stated under the United Nations Charter. This in itself is contradictory.

Ninth, the constant use of the word “partnership”, which is not in the Treaty of Waitangi, to soften people up for the Orwellian change to our society.

Is it your intention to create a situation where the majority will lose democracy, lose ownership of property and ultimately their freedom?

Is it your belief that we should “Own nothing, and be happy”, or seek political asylum elsewhere?

I am deeply concerned that we are losing our freedoms under your government.

I will state for the record that I am not racist nor a white supremacist. I was born in this country and I believe in democracy for all.

On behalf of the silent majority, I simply ask; Why?

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World Class Tosh

World Class Tosh

If Harvey and Taylor genuinely believe that a waterfront museum filled with mythological nonsense will spawn a massive change of direction, then the asylum beckons and probably straitjackets for them both.

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