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Oral Questions – 1 December 2020

NZ parliament

Questions to Ministers

  1. Dr DUNCAN WEBB to the Minister of Finance: What recent reports has he seen on the New Zealand economy?
  2. Hon JUDITH COLLINS to the Prime Minister: Does she stand by her statement in relation to accepting policy recommendations on housing, “The appetite for some of these policies also needs to come from the public”?
  3. JO LUXTON to the Minister of Education: What response has he seen to Government initiatives to support training and apprenticeships?
  4. ANDREW BAYLY to the Minister of Finance: Is he considering further extending the bright-line test to have an effect upon house prices?
  5. Hon JULIE ANNE GENTER to the Minister of Finance: Does he stand by his statement about the Government’s economic response to the COVID-19 shock that “we must also not allow inequality to take hold in our recovery”?
  6. DAVID SEYMOUR to the Prime Minister: Does she stand by her statement in relation to a COVID-19 vaccine that “At this point, our expectation that we’ve been running to is more around the March date”?
  7. ANGIE WARREN-CLARK to the Minister for Social Development and Employment: What announcements has she recently made about support for New Zealanders to take up seasonal work?
  8. CHRIS BISHOP to the Minister for COVID-19 Response: Does he agree with the statement from Professor Nick Wilson of Otago University’s Department of Public Health on 25 November 2020, “Well, I am concerned that unless we rapidly improve things, we are going to have more border failures because the system has just got too many persisting weaknesses”; if not, why not?
  9. JAMIE STRANGE to the Minister of Immigration: What recent announcements has he made to set out how the Government is supporting New Zealand businesses?
  10. Hon LOUISE UPSTON to the Associate Minister of Housing (Public Housing): What is the total number of applicants on the Social Housing Register and how does this compare to September 2017?
  11. MARJA LUBECK to the Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety: How is the Government delivering on its commitment to increase minimum sick leave entitlements to 10 days a year?
  12. NICOLA WILLIS to the Minister of Housing: Has the Government done enough to increase housing supply, and which new measures, if any, for boosting housing supply will she have up and running in the next six months?
