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Oranga Tamariki Boss Must Go!

baby in white knit cap
Photo by Aida Jeddi

It ain’t easy getting both the Left and the Right to despise you, but Oranga Tamariki boss Grainne Moss has managed to do it.

Newshub understands Children’s Minister Kelvin Davis is furious with Oranga Tamariki after it failed to inform him of another damaging story about uplifting Maori children.

Maori kids from white parents uplifted with no evidence of any abuse or endangerment.  The apparent reason was the kids were better placed with extended ‘whanau’. I don’t know about you but I call that racism.

MPs are lining up to call for the resignation of Oranga Tamariki boss Grainne Moss, and it has created the first division in Labour this term with Davis publicly rebuking one of his colleagues.

[…]The agency has been under intense scrutiny. It’s been labelled “racist” and former Ngai Tahu chair Sir Mark Solomon took it further.

“They act in a harmful, abusive manner,” he said in the Newsroom video.

[…]Maori Party co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer is also concerned.  

“I think Oranga Tamariki practices as we see today are absolutely harmful,” she said.

Oranga Tamariki chief executive Grainne Moss is facing intense pressure to resign.

Green MP Elizabeth Kerekere says it is “quite common in our Government that when a leader recognises that they have failed to meet the needs of their job and the people that they’re meant to be working, [sic] to resign”.

Even the Maori Party and the Greens can’t stand Oranga Tamariki and its boss.

Ngarewa-Packer says resigning would be the “honourable” thing for Moss to do.

[…]Moss wouldn’t be interviewed on Thursday after [sic] refused to stand down from her position the day before.

“I can confirm I am staying in my role.”

In other words, she’s going to have to be pushed and the sooner the better.


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