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Boy Wearing Crown Statue
Photo by Mike. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

“Time to sever the tie with these soap opera characters,” wrote Joe Bennett in Stuff of the British Royal Family.

I totally agree. Along with Australia and Canada, plus a handful of tiny island states, every other Commonwealth state has already done this.

Royalists ascribe absurd almost magical powers to monarchs, which are sheer nonsense given they have none.

If we must have a purported “royal” from 12,000 miles away as our nominal head of state then my pick is Meghan who, unlike the screamingly goofy Charles, is at least visually pleasing.

But far better to finally grow up and elect our own Head of State, confined to say single 5-year terms. His or her role would be largely ceremonial other than in hung Parliament situations, something we’ve yet to experience.

Ireland provides the perfect example. Alternatively, as with the USA let it be the top judicial individual in the country.

The Brits reaction to the well-signalled Queen’s demise is ludicrous and a repeat of their carry-on following Princess Diana’s death. That said, I admired Di’s honesty when she accurately once said of herself “I’m as thick as a plank,” being excellent credentials for the role.

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