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The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

Despite massive labour shortages across the land the public are currently forking out through taxation, benefits for circa 100,000 allegedly unemployed.

I’d wage that I, and for that matter most folk, could find jobs for at least 80,000 of these so-called unemployed within a fortnight. I’m allowing that a fifth of them are in one way or another, utterly incapable of looking after themselves.

Turning a blind eye to this parasitical situation simply encourages its continuation. It’s an issue best tackled by a newly elected government when they have the voters wind behind them and, one hopes, are in a courageous mood.

We can write off the incoming National government as the Party’s history is one of shying from bold decision-making, which is all the more reason to cast for ACT. They have the same characteristic of Labour politicians, namely motivated by a desire for doing necessary things, rather than simply the pursuit of office. If they become a sufficiently meaningful part of next year’s government there will be hope of ending this dire parasitical situation.

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