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Image credit The BFD.

Guy Hatchard

Dr Guy Hatchard is an international advocate of food safety and natural medicine. He received his undergraduate degree in Logic and Theoretical Physics from the University of Sussex and his PhD in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield Iowa.



Lincoln National, America’s third-largest insurance company has announced a 163% increase in death benefits in 2021 paid out under its group life insurance scheme which primarily covers working age 18-64-year-olds.

Lincoln National attributes its consequent operating losses to “non-pandemic-related morbidity”. In other words, a lot of people are becoming seriously ill and it is not due to Covid infection.

Back here in New Zealand, Stuff reported on Tuesday:

“District health boards say specialist shortages mean they are unable to provide safe, quality care to patients, with one board saying it needs 50% more doctors to keep up with demand.”

Staff are reporting exhaustion and overloaded wards, especially cardiac and respiratory wards.

The Hon. Little, Health minister, fully justified his name by laying much of the blame for the crisis on the flu season which hasn’t yet arrived—due later in June and July.

Mr. Little is apparently never one to shrink away from the notion of backwards causation in time.

The NZ Herald headlined Wednesday—our ‘whole health system is falling to bits’.

“New data, released under the Official Information Act, revealed nearly 3000 patients waited longer than six hours to be treated at New Zealand’s busiest ED last month.”

Mr. Little didn’t mention that he sacked a lot of hospital staff through vaccine mandates—available staff who are still prevented from working. Many of whom are possibly better protected from Covid than their vaccinated colleagues through the natural immunity acquired through prior infection.

He didn’t mention the overseas experience—UK hospital staff, none of whom were ever vaccine-mandated, no longer even have to routinely wear masks (let alone the general public).

In contrast, NZ hospital staff were mandated to receive boosters before 25 February or lose their positions.

Who are the Real Government Copywriters?

I am left wondering who actually writes the government’s Covid policy announcements and advertising material.

This week we were regaled on social media with multiple slots advising us that if we have had Covid already (which is most of us) then the natural immunity we have gained is worthless without a booster shot.

No risk is too high when it comes to proving these shots really do work if you have enough of them.

I have a feeling that whoever is churning out the government advertising PR is not actually reviewing published data.

They are more likely to be qualified in journalism and focusing hard to make up whatever they can to satisfy a ‘vaccine or bust’ brief.

The idea that natural immunity from prior infection doesn’t work is fantasy copywriting pure and simple.

A paper just published by the BMJ argues that, on the evidence available, pandemic policies should have recognised proof of natural immunity as a sufficient basis for exemption to vaccination requirements.

It further concludes that there is no compelling evidence for the superiority of Covid vaccine-induced immunity.

My reading of the official current New Zealand Covid data unambiguously backs this up—the unvaccinated are gradually becoming less vulnerable to Covid infection and hospitalisation (presumably gaining natural immunity) but the vaccinated are not, their level of protection is gradually declining.

The reason must lie with the characteristic effects of the mRNA vaccine.

From Friday, District Health Boards will no longer exist when the centralised new government entity Health New Zealand takes over. In a show of responsibility, Minister Little has announced a ‘high power taskforce’ charged with clearing the long hospital backlogs.

Do you, like me, lack confidence in Labour’s centralised government control?

Would you describe our health crisis as the result of long hospital backlogs rather than a failed pandemic strategy?

Or would you ask some hard questions and expect answers? Whoops, you can’t ask questions of Jacinda Ardern. If you do, you lose your job, get sprayed with water or pepper, and are forced to listen to loud music through the night.

Jacinda, we lament:

In the North, South, East and West,
We gave you our votes and our best,
You were toasted in our talk, and our song;
We thought that love would last forever: We were wrong.

Your cabinet stars are not wanted now; put them out every one,
You packed the parliament and threatened the young,
You poured away the budget and usurped the good;
Nothing now can ever come to anything that it should.We’re mourners now and march to muffled drum…

(Apologies to W H Auden Funeral Blues)

Truth Cannot Remain Hidden

The government messaging has so far been overwhelming. The government can pretend, it can make up stories to placate an increasingly informed and suspicious public, but it can’t hide the truth forever.

New Zealand is becoming aware that a foreign mega entity is draining our coffers and injuring our best with impunity.

Sometimes I am reminded of the history of World War 1. From Gallipoli to Verdun to Somme to Ypres. No doubt the generals, far from the trenches, considered that each successive push over the top would succeed when all previous had failed miserably.

All the while the casualties mounted. Poor New Zealand was there, like today, at the behest of foreign powers whose sense of the value of human life was attuned to a game of dice—over the top again lads.

Billions of dollars have poured into the coffers of Pfizer, the medical establishment, universities, and the biotechnology industry.

This has happened all over the world and has created a vested interest in continuing the pandemic along with all its trappings and contractors.

The miracle is that none of these protagonists is liable for the injuries and deaths. They have legal immunity and their profits are stupendous. No one is required to shoulder any blame.

As the German pacifist Kurt Tucholsky satirised the horrors of war:

“The war? I cannot find it to be so bad! The death of one man: this is a catastrophe. Hundreds of thousands of deaths: that is a statistic!”

Today he might just as well have said ‘pandemic’ rather than ‘war’, or are we actually in the midst of an undeclared bout of modern germ warfare?

A war conjured up in secret biotech laboratories. A heartless and grim conflict where the injured are not just mere statistics but, thanks to propaganda, are not even aware of the true cause of their novel maladies.

Every day we hear we are winning the war, just one last push, one more boost, over the top to the promised land.
