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Ow! My Balls! Trans Edition. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Nothing quite says “it’s 2023” than a serious legacy media headline about a woman getting punched in the balls.

No, that’s not satire. When you live, as we do, in a Clown World, satire can’t possibly keep ahead of reality. And so, we have legitimate “news” about a “woman” getting “punched in the testicles” and “yelled at for having a penis”.

You know what? I give up. Let the jokes tell themselves.

A transgender woman has called for the dismantling of airport TSA screenings after she claimed an agent punched her in the testicles and ‘yelled at me for having a penis’.

The flyer posted a since-deleted selfie showing her sobbing in a bathroom stall following the episode, complaining that her ‘balls still hurt so bad’.
And my sides haven’t stopped aching. The BFD.

As always with self-entitled, autogynephile men, he doesn’t ask for much.

‘I don’t want the TSA agent that hurt me fired,’ she said in a separate post. ‘I want her educated and the entirety of TSA abolished altogether.’

Get that? Abolish the entire TSA, just because one confused man in woman-face has got hurty feelings to go with his even hurtier balls.

After being ‘humiliated’ in the airport safety check line, she claimed the female agent then followed her into the women’s bathroom and discussed the interaction with a co-worker while she wept behind a stall.

I guess it just goes to show that all the lippy and eyeshadow in the world isn’t going to hide your five o’clock shadow, and no amount of Clown World delusion is going to change the inescapable fact that you’re a man.

[In 2021] another TSA row erupted when a transgender woman hit out at screenings for being ‘transphobic’ after an ‘anomaly’ was detected between her legs that ‘set off the alarm’.

That anomaly would be his cock. I guess, even when you pretend to be a woman, having your penis described as an “anomaly” is kind of embarrassing. I mean, mine has set off alarms, too — but that’s usually women, running away and screaming, “Keep that monster away from me!”

After being flagged by the security system, she called on the TSA to ‘remove the gender settings from their scanners’ to cater to transgender people.

How about he removes his satin panties, puts on his big-boy pants, and stops trying to convince a sickened world that he’s a lady.

And while he’s at it, tell his brother “trans women” to stop stealing all the female athletes’ trophies.

Last week, a transgender cyclist won first place at a top female cycling race in New York City, as 46-year-old Tiffany Thomas blew the competition out of the water.

But the victory occurred just weeks after former cycling champion Hannah Arensman quit the sport entirely after missing out on a podium place to a trans cyclist.

Recent incidences such as these led World Athletics to ban all transgender athletes from competing, after numerous female athletes and coaches warned officials that there was ‘no way’ of reversing their natural physical advantage.

Daily Mail

And there’s no way getting a well-deserved whack in the Jatz isn’t going to hurt, no matter how many times you screech, “But I’m a lady!”
