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Parler the Latest Victim of Leftist Violence

A “Peaceful Protest” approaches the Parler CEO’s home.

When a breakaway group from the “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington last week invaded the US Capitol building, the left-elite swung into action, quicker than you could say “Reichstag fire”.

The media immediately pointed the finger at “extreme right social media” such as Gab and Parler, ignoring the fact that “#HangMikePence” had trended on Twitter with tens of thousands of tweets.

Parler quickly became the fall guy. Within days, Amazon, whose servers hosted the free speech site, wiped it from the internet in an alleged violation of their own contractual obligations.

Yet, for all the leftist hyperventilating about Parler and Gab, the FBI has since stated that the Capitol riot was planned on Twitter.

And contradicting Twitter’s own self-serving baloney about “preventing violence”, leftist thugs are visiting a whole lot of violence on its free-speech rivals.

Parler CEO John Matze and his family have been forced into hiding after receiving death threats and security breaches, a court filing from Parler’s legal team has revealed.

According to the filing, which was obtained by Fox News, Matze and his family fled their home after Matze’s street address was published online, along with threatening messages, following widespread media vilification of Parler.
A “Peaceful Protest” approaches the Parler CEO’s home.

“Published online”, meaning on Twitter. As a quick search on the platform shows, Twitter users are openly publishing Matze’s home address. In spite of this being a flagrant breach of Twitter’s policies, the tweets remain.

Parler’s employees have also been subjected to harassment and threats. Matze noted in the filing that many employees are “suffering harassment and hostility, fear for their safety and that of their families, and in some cases have fled their home state to escape persecution.”

The alternative social media platform, which attracted conservatives and Trump supporters, was removed from Apple and Google last week, following the protest at the Capitol. Soon after, Amazon took down the entire website from its web hosting services claiming Parler violated company standards[…]

However, many have noted that Amazon’s decision to pull Parler may have more to do with political censorship than it does a violation of some sort of company standard.

The Caldron Pool

Actually, it even more looks like an old-fashioned standover job. Parler, after all, is a direct competitor to Twitter and Facebook, two of the biggest corporations on the planet. The actions of Big Tech resemble nothing so much as an old-school gangster operation. “Nice little platform you ‘ave ‘ere’ guv…be a shame if anyfink were to ‘appen to it.”

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