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Pauline Calls Out Our Gutless Pollies Again

How gutless is Australia’s Senate? This gutless. The BFD.

Pauline Hanson really has become the national gadfly. Her outrageous habit of saying out loud in Parliament what ordinary Australians are thinking continually irritates the media-political elite – and continually exposes their cosy groupthink for all to see.

Pauline has a particularly gauche habit of tabling motions that challenge the nation’s politicians to show just where they stand on matters of common sense.

And our politicians just keep failing.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson tried to introduce a motion to the Australian Senate yesterday (11 June) to recognise that ‘all lives matter’.

This should be a no-brainer. As a supposedly secular, humanist, egalitarian society, this should be a given. Surely no senator could possibly disagree?

Hanson told the Senate that people were ‘too bloody gutless to stand up for the people of this nation [and say] that all lives matter’.

However, the Senate was unmoved, as nearly every single senator voted against the motion.

It turns out that our elected representatives are too bloody gutless to stand up, too. Is anyone surprised?

What this really shows, though, is just how absolutely, pathetically spineless the Coalition government really are. What hope is there, when these supposedly conservative milksops are so shit-scared of the green-left Twitter mobs that they dare not say a word?

There were two ‘ayes’, one from the One Nation leader and another from One Nation politician Malcolm Roberts. A total of 51 senators opposed the motion, while Senator Jim Molan opposed voting on it.

A spokesperson for Mr Molan told The Guardian said he wasn’t voting because ‘it was a simplistic motion not amenable to a simple vote and should be subject to a debate where all senators can voice their views’.

Of course, there’s no Senate gutlessness complete without the Quota Senator from South Australia.

Labor’s Senate leader Penny Wong thought the motion ‘wasn’t appropriate’ because it was only trying to ‘incite division’.

It’s a sign of how weak and conformist the “Unrepresentative Swill” in the Senate really are, when Wong and Molan are both singing from the same bullshit hymn.

This is, after all, the same Senate that voted on exactly the same lines to condemn academic Bettina Arndt for daring to challenge the misandrist narrative of hateful feminism.

The Senate moved itself to censure a private citizen for expressing an opinion – worse, the Senate tried to influence a statutory authority to strip an honour granted to an Australian citizen.

But the Senate can’t bring itself to affirm the basic humanist principle that all human lives are worthwhile.

How gutless is Australia’s Senate? This gutless. The BFD.

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