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letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

Golriz Ghahraman. Lawyer. Defender of Bosnian and Rwandan war criminals. Anti-Israel, anti-Jewish supporter of Palestinians and, by extension, their elected representatives Hamas, a terrorist organisation whose primary sponsor Iran is, ironically, the country from which she and her family fled as refugees in 1990. Alleged shoplifter of goods worth thousands of dollars from an up-market Ponsonby boutique, despite earning close to $200k in salary and perks as a Green Party MP.

What a CV. It’s hard to decide which of those attributes is most objectionable, but one supposes they are all we can expect from someone whose parliamentary activities have been described as “opportunistic” and “disorderly” at various times during her largely ineffective, self-promotional stint in the Beehive.

When it comes to our highly remunerated members of parliament, we should expect to get what we pay for or pay for what we get. In Ghahraman’s case, both we and she, clearly do not.

