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People Are Dying the Senate Doesn’t Care

Senator Ralph Babet (United Australia Party)

Transcriber B

Transcribing missed information for the historical record since 2021.

Hat tip:


TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: Senator Ralph Babet (United Australia Party) represents Victoria in the Australian Senate.


SENATOR RALPH BABET: Thank you, Acting Deputy President. So in March of this year, March this year, I asked the Senate to establish a select committee to investigate excess deaths and unexplained mortality in our nation. Now at that time, there had been tens of thousands, tens of thousands of excess deaths reported since back in 2022.

Now it was like a full passenger plane, a big one, one of those jet, jet aircraft crashing every single week for 11 months without explanation and without investigation. Yet incredibly, the Senate refused. Only four senators, just four, had the courage to back my committee. Four.

Now it wasn’t just the Senate that was determined to ignore the elephant in the room, with a few honourable exceptions, it was the entire political class in Australia and at every level.

Now thankfully, there was one group that didn’t turn their back on the Australian people in their time of need, the medical experts at the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society, otherwise known as AMPS.* So they stepped up to the plate, they did the hard work that my colleagues in this place, unfortunately, and shamefully, refused to do.

Now they have put their findings in a book titled Too Many Dead: An Inquiry into Australia’s Excess Mortality.** Now this is bound to attract attention around the world. Now as I speak in this chamber, AMPS are here in Canberra presenting their finding to elected members and senators and their staff.***

Now I urge my colleagues in this place to have a heart, hopefully one that’s not scarred with myocarditis, vaccine-induced myocarditis, to take the time to listen to these medical experts, and most importantly, to act. The time has come to act.

Australians still continue to die in large numbers. And unfortunately, the inaction in this place, it speaks volumes.

Thank you.


[Music: song about the United Australia Party]



For further information and context, see also:

Australian excess deaths probe
Government passes off a hot potato; a group of independent experts picks it up and returns it to Canberra by Rebekah Barnett, Dystopian Down Under October 17, 2023

Yes, they did know: Australia’s covid response in short format (FOI timeline)
by ExcessDeathsAustralia, October 11, 2023

Quoting from the website:

“The Australian Medical Professionals’ Society (AMPS) is a professional association whose principal purpose is to protect and promote the interests of members in matters concerning their employment or professional engagement. No membership fees are used to support any political party (including the ALP), so we are able to source and/or provide representation for all members, on all issues, better than our competitors. Savings of over $800 are just the beginning.

The Australian Medical Professionals’ Society is a group of doctors who want to provide an alternate voice to the AMA. They wanted to join 10’s of thousands of other workers who had decided to form independent associations under the Red Union banner.

AMPS supports:

The primacy of the doctor/patient relationship, with Government bureaucrats being removed from the surgery room.
   Making it easier for doctors to speak out publicly. Doctors are currently gagged by AHPRA.
   The removal of AHPRA from monitoring doctors on social media and voicing their medical opinions.
   Resisting Government Coercion.
   The ability to speak out about refugee health without fear of de-registration.
   Resisting Government mandates.
   Resisting Government agencies running roughshod over doctors in what they can prescribe and recommend.

AMPS remains fully committed to defending your right to treat patients as you see fit and respects the enormous amount of medical training undergone to achieve this right. AHPRA and Government must be drastically limited in this space.

** See:
Includes a link to download a PDF of this book.

*** See:
Too Many dead – An inquiry into Australia’s excess mortality
by Alison, October 19, 2023
