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People Speaking Up from around the World

Photoshop by Lushington Brady. The BFD.

The world has been through a massive propaganda campaign exploiting what is good and trusting while tragically playing on human psychological weaknesses. It is slow, but heartening, as courageous people are finding ways of bypassing the MSM lies, cancellations and subversion. Truth and reconciliation may never fully be realised, but we have come to admire those who are determined not to let the Covid-19 response quietly slip away into a silent oblivion. There are those who will continue to ask questions of politicians and health professionals, often at great personal cost and blacklisting. They face denigration and being cruelly labelled as dangerous terrorists, conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers or even written off as lost down a rabbit hole.

Rather than ridicule, I want to highlight Jae Naidoo’s Covid-19 stance.

Giving voice is important to a fearless South African activist who said he was prepared to die for the freedom of his people when he was at the forefront of the struggle against apartheid. He served five years in the first post-apartheid cabinet of Nelson Mandela’s government. Born in 1954, Naidoo can reflect over decades of racial apartheid in his country and is horrified at the tyranny of mandating an untested jab onto his fellow countrymen as a ‘New Apartheid’.

As a grandfather I stand up and will go back to the trenches to defend the rights of my grandchildren and the millions of others from what is a horrendous invasion of our rights to safe health and human well-being. ‘New Apartheid’ is even worse than Nats (Nationalist), it is determined to take over our lives.

Jae Naidoo, South African politician and businessman.

Naidoo is not without his critics as a member of the ANC and questions are asked why he did not speak up earlier.

My Open Letter to the Workers Movement – The Meaning of Solidarity

By Jay Naidoo

What I am witness to today has brought me back to the tyranny I have fought against all my life. And this time, it is affecting all of us, with no exception.

I was a statistic under apartheid. At four years old, my family was evicted from our home, our stable community, from our friends and extended family, alongside three million black South Africans by apartheid’s perverted social and political engineers because we were a black spot. We were non-beings to be abused, used and discarded on the rubbish bin by a crime against humanity – apartheid.

That’s what plunged me into activism. I was part of the 1976 generation, shaped by fiery activism of social justice fuelled by iconic heroes of our struggle like Steve Biko and Nelson Mandela. We were prepared to die for the freedom of our people.

And many did.

But now at 68 I see an even bigger struggle against the subjugation now facing the whole of humanity. A new apartheid at every level of our society now determined to take our lives. In the past two years its ugly spectre of the pandemic response has sowed its seeds of division, coercion and conflict across the world. Its fear mongering tactics has divided families, relationships, communities, nations and the whole of humanity.

In this battlefield I see the broken bodies of the innocent again. And mounting vaccine injuries and death tolls. From the colonisation of land and countries, we are now facing colonialism of our bodies through the greed of BigPharma penetrating the once sacred citadels of democracy, manipulating and corrupting our leadership. And ultimately usurping our rights over our personal freedoms and even the right to informed consent.

The editor of, on 24 February, said:

Jay Naidoo ended up serving five years as a senior member in the Nelson Mandela cabinet and of all my now powerful new acquaintances, he is one who never strayed from his activist beliefs. […]

He still possesses all that old courage to risk his own reputation by questing what he believes is an unjust status quo.

One commentator said resistance is mandatory. New Zealand faces its own apartheid with division caused by the He Puapua document and the injustice of Ardern forming two classes of people: the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

Some of the most courageous in NZ who will not be silenced are:


Liz Gunn – FreeNZ

Members of the NZDSOS, NZLSOS and NZTSOS

Voices for Freedom

Dr Guy Hatchard

Matt King – Democracy NZ

and many others.
