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Peterson Blasts COVID Mandates

Jordan Peterson. The BFD.

Sarah Taylor from Blaze Media reports on what Jordan Peterson thinks about Covid mandates.

In an interview with Dave Rubin, Peterson said that he believes the U.S. is quickly moving to a state of totalitarianism due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

“The thing that surprised me the most, probably, was how rapidly we stampeded to imitate a totalitarian state in the immediate aftermath of the release of COVID,” he said. “You know, if you think it through a little bit, no one really knew how serious the virus was going to be, and so it was an unknown threat. And so you could imagine a herd of animals or a school of fish, for that matter, because this kind of phenomena is universal throughout the animal kingdom.”

He continued, “The cost of overreacting to a threat is generally minimal compared to under-reacting to a real threat. Overreacting to a hypothetical threat is cheap compared to under-reacting to an actual threat, because if you under-react, you could die, whereas if you overreact, you generally just get fired for a minute.”

[…]”So a herd will stampede because the most neurotic member of the herd jumps first, and then they’ll instantly follow them,” he said. “And that’s kind of what we did in the early stages of the pandemic. The Chinese acted first — now, unfortunately they are a totalitarian state — and we all followed. And that’s excusable in some sense because we didn’t know what sort of threat we were facing.”

Peterson added that what soon followed could only be chalked up to what he said is a breakdown of rights.

[…]Peterson later lamented vaccine mandates.

“You know, Canadians who aren’t vaccinated right now cannot leave the country,” he snapped. “Like, what the hell? Why is that? And I’m — look, I got vaccinated, and people took me to task for that, and I thought, ‘All right, I’ll get the damn vaccine.’ Here’s the deal, guys: I’ll get the vaccine; you f***ing leave me alone!”

“Did that work? No. So, stupid me, you know?” he groused. “That’s how I feel about it. It’s like, well, now I have to get tested for COVID when I come back into Canada. I have to get tested before I leave Canada. Now, that might be — the latter issue, that’s an issue with the Americans, so that’s outside of the Canadian purview, but the restrictions to get back into Canada are even more stringent. It’s like, why did I get the vaccine then if you’re not going to leave me alone?”
Jordan Peterson. The BFD.

Herd mentality certainly helps explain why the rest of the world blindly followed China, a totalitarian nation known for lying.

Covid mandates are a form of blackmail. The problem with blackmail is that, as soon as you give in, your blackmailer will keep making more and more demands. Got the double dose? Well, we can’t let you back into the country until you get your booster dose.

If you got double dosed because you thought it would give you back your freedoms then you need to wake up. When the state takes your freedoms away the only way to get them back is to fight for them. And one way to do that is to support truly independent media such as The BFD.
