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Piece by Piece Our Freedom Is Being Taken Away

Photo by TheDigitalArtist. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

As we settle into a new year and new leader, we optimistically look with hope to the horizon of better times ahead, yet already we are once again facing the stronghold of censorship in our lives, as the grip tightens on natural health products and our freedom to access these will be in the hands of a government empowered ‘regulator’. Liz Gunn and Dr Matt Shelton discuss the importance of the Therapeutic Products Bill currently before the Parliament Select Committee, and the ramifications of the Bill which will not only erode our rights but will take away the free choice New Zealanders have to control and make their own health decisions.

The far-reaching consequences of the Therapeutic Products Bill can be seen as government overreach at its worst once again, in that it will severely impact the health and wellbeing of our nation. The Bill states that any natural health product that makes a health claim and can be proven to benefit health is then assumed to become a medicine and if something is a medicine then only doctors can prescribe it.

The next time you reach for your herbal medicine, tumeric capsules, or aloe vera sunburn relief cooling gel consider not being able to access these as you currently do or expect to pay a premium for the right to use these products, or worse still the loss of your valued products from the market altogether as the costs for complying with the regulation become too much for producers to continue the manufacturing of the products you hold dear for your health and wellbeing.

Sometimes your freedom is taken away one piece of legislation at a time, one censorship here, one small silencing there, until life becomes unrecognisable.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) urge everyone with an interest in their health and who recognise and have concerns on this overreach and censorship by the government into our lives to take action now and talk to as many people as possible to raise awareness on the implications of the Bill.

Censorship and Natural Health Products – What You Can Do:

  • Enter your objection to the Therapeutic Products Bill
  • Encourage family, friends and colleagues to have their say on the Bill.
  • Talk with your local MP on their stance.
  • Visit local health food shops or other retail shops with natural products.
  • Engage with local health practitioners.
  • Visit local gyms that use natural products and muscle building supplements.
  • Go to MP’s Facebook Pages and message them on their open platform.
  • Meet Indian communities and discuss the impact on Ayurvedic Medicine

Watch: Liz Gunn and Dr Matt Shelton Discuss Censorship as The Grip Tightens on Natural Health Products

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