The below video seems to have been missed when it came out back in April this year. Probably because it was of John Campbell slavishly fawning over our three ‘award winning scientists’ and nobody with half a brain or any shred of dignity watches Campbell anymore, or indeed, could even care less what Siouxsie Wiles has to say, let alone the creepiest man on TV, Michael Baker, and the world’s second worst modeller, Shaun Hendy.
But it popped up in my messenger feed, sent by someone, who although previously a hippie Green voter, now wouldn’t have a bar of them. This particular woman, (a Frenchwoman, so has lived with her share of socialism in the past), seems to have also grown to despise our Prime Minister with a vengeance (Jacinda urging people to nark on their families and friends was the last straw). A vengeance though that is perhaps only surpassed by her disdain for these three idiot pseudo-scientists who seek to control not only the narrative, but our very lives.
This little video is a snippet from the original nine-minute interview, where Campbell, at his most obsequious, spends the whole time prostrating himself before the three fools. If you are of a particularly masochistic bent, feel free to check the whole thing out, but be warned: you may well need a bowl of warm water and a soft cloth to clean up the inevitable vomit that will be rising up your gullet due to Campbell’s cringy, hand-wringing grovelling. (He introduces them as “looking like the backseat of a particularly cool bus”!)
For those kind BFD readers whose intestinal fortitude may not be great enough to suffer through the entire nine minutes and fourteen seconds of toadying, here is the snippet that I would like to highlight.
I hope that you know, people take from our responses that we can do this for other things too, you know, we can do this for the other, ah diseases that we have here in New Zealand, we can do this for climate change, umm and I think we should not underestimate actually, the kind of soft power now that New Zealand has, that we can really be an exemplar for how to be a good society, how to use evidence in the right way, you know and we’re not doing it for everything, so I, I think we, you know, we can show actually, wh’d why, wouldn, why wouldn’t we do this for other things?
Siouxsie Wiles, interview with John Campbell Apr 2021, TV1. TheBFD.
Note the wording used here by our good little Socialist.
We can do this for climate change...
I think we should not underestimate actually, the kind of soft power now that New Zealand has…
We can really be an exemplar for how to be a good society…
Why wouldn’t we do this for other things?
What she is talking about of course is controlling the narrative, controlling the way we live, work, socialise, and of course the biggy, the lockdowns.
Tucker Carlson of Fox News also recently did a video on just this proposal, Brace yourselves, climate lockdowns are coming, as did his colleague Laura Ingraham last month in her video Ingraham warns of coming ‘climate lockdowns’, which funnily enough, starts out with Obama telling people that they won’t be able to drive their SUVs, heat their homes or eat as much as they want!
Gee, and we wonder sometimes where Jacinda Ardern gets her dominating, arrogant views from? I wonder if Obama ever called pickup trucks ‘illegitimate’?
Make no mistake, these three scumbag leftist opportunists and many others like them will take every chance they can to help consolidate their beloved Jacinda’s rule. We must not allow them that opportunity.
I don’t know about you guys, but I am well and truly over hearing from them. None of them have any great experience in the fields relevant to a world wide pandemic (if there even is one). They are simply there to do their great Socialist master’s bidding (and to make a quick buck while they’re at it).
As far as I’m concerned, the pink haired harpy, the man who can’t count, and the creepy kid with the silly glasses who had no friends and used to nark on you to your teacher, can all crawl back into the holes whence they came.
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