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“Pinko” Gets Caught Out. (Again)

Image credit The BFD.

If Siouxsie Wiles’s cheeks are not flaming red by now after being caught out in another lie her name is not “Pinko”.

“Pinko” has gone from being New Zealander of the Year to Liar of the Year.

The Media Council has unanimously found that a column in Stuff by Siouxsie Wiles breached Press Standards. She claimed that the seven signatories to the now infamous ‘Listener Letter’ had sent threatening legal letters to junior colleagues. She claimed this was bullying.

It was absolutely untrue. No legal letters were sent to them. The only bullying was by Siouxsie Wiles herself. She was striking at the heart of academic freedom by asserting that the professors were trying to stifle opposing views using lawyers’ threats.

Back in the ‘Lockdown Times’ (remember them?) Siouxie Wiles was the go-to expert for how to behave during the pandemic. She said masks were to be worn even outside, to keep within your bubble, and definitely no swimming.

Hypocrisy 4 Dummies. Image credit Wibble. The BFD.

Except these rules were for the ‘Proles’ – they didn’t apply to her and her friends. It was ‘Rules for thee not me’. Siouxsie could have been part of the ‘Inner Party’ as described in George Orwell’s 1984. The ‘Inner Party’ had special privileges and were much superior to the ‘Proles’.

This was proven after Siouxie’s visit to Judges Bay during a level 4 lockdown when she and her friend Dr Gaston were seen without masks enjoying time together on the beach. Her friend even went for a swim which was claimed to be a “paddle” even though she was in it up to her neck.

One Source of Truth. Image credit Wibble. The BFD.

After this was exposed by a video on the BFD, the Director General of Health Ashley Bloomfield was brought in to defend Siouxie. These ‘Inner  Party’ elites stick together. He said the swim was a ‘Moot Point’. I would say it was more of a ‘Moat Point’. The swimmer was up to her neck in it.

Dr Siouxsie Wiles has never been an expert on pandemics. She obtained her PhD from Napier University Edinburgh on “Developing Biosensors in Waste Waters”. Her expertise was just propping up the Red Queen during the pandemic.

Here is a little ditty to consider:

There was a young lady named Siouxsie Wiles,
Who climbed over a style at Judges Bay,
With her friend Dr. Gaston who went for a swim,
Right up to her chin,
Though this was claimed to be a paddle,
What ‘twaddle’ !Dr. Bloomfield said he knew Siouxie, Oh Oh Oh what a gal, She was a pal, Who didn’t deserve ‘Hell’ over it. Video be damned.
