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Playing Games with Children’s Future Health

girl pm hammock
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon

It should surprise no-one that supposed professionals who can’t even answer the simple question, What is a woman?, think that puberty blocking drugs are “safe”. As has happened too often in the history of medicine, from the denigration of Ignatz Semmelweis to the lobotomy craze of the 50s, ideological derangement has trumped clinical evidence.

Promoting puberty blockers as safe is frankly about as defensible as promoting Thalidomide as a risk-free treatment for morning-sickness.

There is “woefully little safety data” for the use of hormone suppression drugs to block the natural puberty of children, according to Harvard University professor of medicine Marc B. Garnick.

Professor Garnick, who was involved in studies leading to regulatory approval of the hormone suppression drug Lupron for treatment of prostate cancer, was commenting on New York Times coverage of “growing concerns” about the use of this class of drugs by youth gender clinics.

Remember that Lupron is a drug used to chemically castrate sex offenders. Its listed side effects with long-term use include osteoporosis, impaired glucose, depression, infertility, anemia, loss of muscle mass and weight gain. Oh, and side effects and complications may increase the longer the drug is used.

Totally safe for growing bodies!

In a letter to the editor of The Times, Professor Garnick cites a range of safety issues with adult cancer patients on the same hormone suppression drugs, and warns that “woefully little safety data are available for the likely more vulnerable younger population [given these drugs as puberty blockers] […]

Having researched these hormone suppression drugs for more than four decades, Professor Garnick says “physicians are still learning and continue to be concerned about the safety of these agents in adults.

He highlights “significant” bone loss in adults, and safety concerns about “cognitive, metabolic and cardiovascular effects.”

Yet, tranny activists, including doctors, openly advertise on social media that they’ll supply “puberty blockers” without prescription.

Some places are at least coming to their senses.

In Sweden and Finland, puberty blockers are no longer routine treatment for the distressing condition of gender dysphoria, while draft healthcare plans for England after the closure of the Tavistock gender clinic would confine these drugs to formal research […]

In Sweden, the shift to a more cautious treatment approach was influenced by reports of harm to adolescents on blockers — including a 15-year-old with osteopenia, a brittle-bone condition usually observed in the elderly.

When even Big Pharma is reluctant to prescribe a drug, you know something’s very, very wrong.

In October, the news agency Reuters reported that American physicians had repeatedly asked the pharmaceutical companies that make hormone suppression drugs to seek approval for their use in gender medicine from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The agency quoted a paediatric endocrinologist, Dr Brad Miller, as saying the companies had refused to do this.

“They would say it would cost a lot of money to get approval,” Miller said. “And they were not interested in going there because [trans treatment] was a political hot potato.”

Gender Clinic News

Because at last some politicians are growing a backbone. And more importantly, the lawyers are coming for the groomers in white coats who’re drugging and mutilating a generation of children in the name of a deranged Marxist ideology.

Big Pharma is many things: stupid is not one of them.
