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Please Come Back All Is Forgiven

woman holding hair dryer
Photo by Adam Winger. The BFD.

West Auckland, Head Start Total Beauty Salon owner Simone Jones is getting ready to welcome unvaccinated customers back into her hair salon if the government drops the vaccine pass today.

Doubtless, she is drooling over regaining lost revenue, but will her unvaccinated customers return?

“It is going to be great to be able to welcome back some of our clients that were unvaccinated back into the salon. I know a lot of them have actually already had their hair done and had treatments done at places that they possibly shouldn’t have.”

How does Jones know her customers went elsewhere? Probably because if I were a banned customer, I would have walked past her glass-fronted salon many times over the last four months and given a nice little wave and a smile, all the while tossing my well-coifed head in her direction. It’s likely some of Jones’s banned customers did exactly that.

I am an unvaccinated woman of a certain age who has never in my life looked unkempt. Would I drop my grooming standards because the government mandated that I do just that? Not on your life.

I found a hairdresser who holds strong principles about Jacinda Ardern dividing us into two classes – the authorised (vaccinated) and the unauthorised (unvaccinated) – and is not scared half to death about catching Covid. This delightful little find was available because she had been evicted from an excellent salon due to her unvaccinated status. My future grooming depends on her principles stopping her from being poached back by the salon that unceremoniously ditched her.

My hair looks better than it’s looked in years and costs a lot less too. Good luck Ms Jones. You will need it if you think your old customers think highly enough of you to return after you shamefully abandoned them.

It hasn’t been all plain sailing for this hairdresser keen to follow the rules. Fairly typical of this government’s ability to roll out anything smoothly, the software required to check vaccine passes took four months to implement.

“We had just got our software system sorted to be able to press the button to say that we’ve cited their scan from the last time and I said the other day, this is just gonna happen now that we’ve just got it sorted out and we’re not going to have to do that anymore.

But regardless of what the new rules would be, she said masks should stay.”


Well, that’s a given, isn’t it? Of course, masks should stay, despite being close to completely useless. They are a necessary accoutrement of the stupid, a security blanket if you like. Taking away two security blankets at once threatens the public’s faith in the Ardern government.

It’s so difficult trying to separate out the fear factor from the stupidity attached to mandate advocates that I’ve given up trying.

I would be off to visit my superb (unvaccinated) hairdresser but she contracted Covid this week, so my haircut will be rescheduled next week when she has fully recovered. As an unvaccinated woman knocking on the door of a high-risk Covid category, am I terrified of catching Covid? Not on your life.
