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C.J Hopkins

CJ Hopkins

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So, I did a couple of new interviews recently, one with Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity and the other with Elze van Hamelen of De Andere Krant, which is an actual physical newspaper in The Netherlands.

I won’t go on and on about them, because (a) if you’re subscribed to this newsletter or are reading this on the Substack site, you are probably familiar with my work and can guess what we mostly talked about, (b) Chris and Elze or their producers put big titles on the interviews to show you what we mostly talked about, and (c) my back is killing me at the moment, so I am trying to spend as little time as possible banging away at this keyboard.

So here are the interviews. Just click on the videos.

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Oh, and please don’t worry about my back. I’ve been dealing with chronic back pain for years. Usually, I manage it pretty well, with yoga, moderate exercise, and so on. But, now and then, I experience a flare-up, for example, when I’ve just finished a big project, or, you know, after I’ve just spent two years furiously chronicling the roll-out of a new, pathologized form of totalitarianism and getting myself labelled a “political criminal” and a “Covid-denying far-right extremist” by Germany’s Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, which is basically the German FBI.

Seriously, that is the atmosphere here. I’ll probably be covering that in a lot more detail as soon as I’m able to get back to work. In the meantime, I hope my talking head will suffice.

If you enjoy the interviews, please spread them around. I am being pretty severely censored and otherwise “deboosted” by Twitter and Facebook. For example, here’s what the Consent Factory’s Twitter timeline looks like. Each “age-restricted adult content” warning is a tweet …

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So it goes in the New Normal Reich.

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OK, that’s it. Time to get off this keyboard. All best, as ever, from sunny Berlin …


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