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PM Fails to Show Positive Leadership

Photoshopped image credit Luke. The BFD.

Ted Johnston BSc BA LLB
Co-leader New Conservative

“This is a time to show true positive leadership.

To not further divide the people, like she has already done by making many of them second class citizens with very restricted rights” says Ted Johnston New Conservative Co-leader.

The protestors at parliament are part of a march for protection for rights and freedoms, this one set off by the extreme Covid mandates of the Labour government.

They have come in numbers, unprecedented in recent years to bring their suffering, and anger to parliament to ask for change. When all means of lawful opposition are ineffective, the people will come to parliament to ask for help, to show the country and the world their need and their pain and their anger.

It is not a few hundred protestors, or just a few thousand. They are but the tip of an iceberg stretching across New Zealand.

Instead of even showing them the human dignity of meeting with them, as they are citizens, which parliament represents, they have met closed doors and the PM, the government, and all the MPs in parliament from all parties have abandoned and ignored them. They merely watch from their ivory tower.

This morning instead of trying to bring unity and harmony, the PM has attacked them and been very unkind to them, saying they are not protesting like New Zealanders, not wanting to really resolve it or meet, and cast them as troublemakers. That will only feed the fires and the protest will not end.

The PM is hoping they will just give up and go away if she ignores them, like in November last year. The protestors have made it clear it won’t happen.

We do not want a protest lasting weeks or months.

But the PM has neither agreed to meet them nor send anyone to do so.

“This is not a time to play hardball. It is not a time to crush the protestors, It is a time to try and resolve matters and bring unity to NZ.. The PM is failing, them, and all of New Zealand. “ says Ted Johnston New Conservative.
