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The BFD. Photo by Antonio Grosz

Chaz Forsyth
Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand Inc

The Sporting Shooters Association would like to draw your attention to another example of Police overreach and overkill – this time on shooting ranges. They have issued a 50-page document on the proposed new regulations. A document authored by an external consultancy which has no expertise in firearms or shooting ranges.

As an aside, it would be interesting to know how much taxpayers’ money has been wasted on this document.

As a consequence of the Police proposals, we have written the below media release on our views.

Some of the issues that would arise are:

  • the regulations claim to make clubs safer but no one has been accidentally shot at any range or club for years. Interestingly and in contrast, Police have incurred a number of injuries in their firearms training
  • significantly, the proposed regulations go beyond the powers given to Police in the Arms Act
  • Clubs are safe, experienced community groups, and a major institution for education on firearms safety. There should be more of them, but these regulations will cause many to close and so reduce their number
  • Ranges are safe places where people learn to shoot well and safely. There should be more of them but these regulations will result in fewer
  • The fees charged to meet the regulations will cost clubs a substantial part of their members’ subs – which will result in clubs closing
  • The responsibilities placed on volunteer officials will discourage people from being officials – which will result in clubs closing
  • The forms and checks required will discourage club officials from their roles – which will result in clubs closing
  • We need more clubs and ranges as they are the best place to train in firearm safety and skills, and for firearm owner sociability; this all improves public safety
  • The regulations banning under 16s from clubs and ranges will prevent youth education on firearms safety in high-use, rural areas
  • The proposals will prevent firearms safety training in the community-run initiatives.
None of the above will make New Zealand safer.

Media release-Police on Shooting Ranges – 21#Download
