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Image credit: The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

Chris Hipkins is copping the standard new PM honeymoon treatment from the media, albeit somewhat muted. It won’t last and the government will be thrashed in October. The only thing which can save it is World War 3 breaking out.

Chris massively fails an all-important test I originated in the highly politicised mid 1970s, this after Bill Rowling inherited the office following Kirk’s death, namely no-one could ever be elected as PM if one could imagine him in a scout master’s uniform. That was easy with Rowling who as it transpired had indeed been a scout master.

It also applied emphatically to four subsequent Party leaders. First National’s Jim McLay then Labour’s Geoff Palmer, both as a result, short-termers at the helm. So too, overwhelmingly with Bill English and it was the major factor in Andrew Little’s reign at the top.

It certainly applies to Chris Hipkins and there’s absolutely nothing he can do about it, unfair as it is.

What it reflects is just how important imagery is in political success.

Image credit: The BFD.

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