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Poll Shows What Americans Are Really Thinking

Kerching! Kerching! Kerching! The BFD.

The mainstream media are shocked, shocked, I tell you, that fewer people than ever trust them. Perhaps they might consider whether their growing litany of lies over recent years. Only recently, for instance, media from TV1, to NPR and Australia’s ABC, reported “The International Court of Justice finding a ‘plausible risk of genocide in Gaza’.” This was so egregiously untrue that the ICJ’s then-president felt compelled to correct the widespread lie:

“The court… did not decide – and this is something where I’m correcting what’s often said in the media – it didn’t decide that the claim of genocide was plausible.”


Yet, nearly a week later, TV1 was still parroting the false claim.

But it’s not just the lies: it’s the yawning disconnect from its audience.

For instance, the media’s coverage is a near non-stop cavalcade of climate alarmism. Yet, around the world, climate change barely registers as a major issue for most people. The only people lying awake at night worrying about the Sky Dragon are the vanishingly small, elite cliques mainstream media journalists hang out with.

For many people in the West, and Americans especially, one of the biggest worries is one about which the mainstream media are completely at odds with them.

For the third consecutive month, Americans say immigration is the “most important problem” facing the United States, a Gallup poll reveals.

The Gallup poll, released Tuesday, sees 27 percent of Americans calling immigration the biggest issue facing the US, followed by the government, the economy, and inflation. This marks the third consecutive month that immigration has been named the top issue among Americans – the first time this has happened in 24 years.

What’s especially significant about this poll is that it’s open-ended. That is, instead of presenting them with a cherry-picked, limited, list of options, respondents are asked to nominate their concerns.

The results also reveal the yawning disconnect between the left – who dominate the mainstream media – and everyone else.

While nearly 50 percent of Republicans and 25 percent of swing voters name immigration as their top concern, only eight percent of Democrats say the same.

While immigration is a high-order issue for people across the West, who are being swamped with millions of illegal immigrants from the Middle East and Africa, the US is particularly hard hit. As a direct result of left-wing government policies.

Since President Joe Biden took office in late January 2021, almost eight million migrants have been encountered along the US-Mexico border – the highest level of illegal immigration recorded in American history.

Likewise, during the same period, close to two million known got-aways are expected to have successfully crossed the southern border into the US. Federal officials have routinely said that the number of got-aways is perhaps undercounted by 20 percent, suggesting that an additional 360,000 got-aways may have crossed the border […]

These inflows – coupled with legal immigration levels, where annually more than a million are rewarded green cards and another million are given temporary work visas – have ensured that the nation’s foreign-born population now stands at an unprecedented 51.4 million.

In 1990, the US foreign-born population was fewer than 20 million.

By 2060, without a reduction in legal immigration levels, which are driving nearly all population growth, the total US population is set to hit almost 400 million.


One of the most telling findings of the poll is a massive shift in gender attitudes.

The importance of the issue among the male and female demographics has essentially flipped in the past three months or so. Now, women view illegal immigration as more important than men see it, by a 31-24 percent margin. The numbers previously placed men as more concerned, in February (31-26 percent) and March (30-26 percent).


It might have something to do with all the rapes and murders.
