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Pope Francis Is a Giant Hypocrite

Open borders pope closes his own borders with prejudice.

'Walls for me, not thee'. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

‘Give me your keys, then we can talk about open borders,’ as the great Jim Goad once said. Just like ‘climate activists’ swanning from conference to conference in their fleets of private jets, open borders activists have a notable tendency to hide behind walls and fences in their elite, gated, compounds.

None more so than Pope Francis.

This virtue-signalling twat loves to lecture and finger-wag the rest of us about allowing the detritus of the Middle East and Africa to swarm our homes unimpeded. Yet he literally lives behind massive stone walls guarded by heavily armed mercenaries.

And woe betide anyone who tries to make an ‘undocumented arrival’ to his home.

The Vatican City State has enacted stiffer penalties on anyone entering its territory or violating its airspace without permission, threatening offenders with fines and jail time.

The Vatican has hiked both monetary sanctions and prison sentences for those who violate its tight security regulations, Catholic News Agency reported Wednesday.

Through a recent decree, signed by Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, president of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State, violators will face monetary fines ranging from 10,000 to 25,000 euros and prison sentences from one to four years.

The Vatican City State, the world’s only completely walled-in sovereign territory, has several entry points, all but one of which – the Saint Anna gate – are locked tight from dusk until dawn. The gates are manned by the Swiss Guard, with gendarmes carrying firearms not far off […]

Penalties will be more severe if illegal entry is carried out with the aid of weapons, dangerous substances, or as a group. In addition, they are increased by two-thirds if there is forced entry through the border control while driving a vehicle, the text stipulates.

To quote Matthew, hypocrites ‘appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness’.

Francis’ determination to crack down on unauthorised entry into his state is in direct contrast to his pious finger-wagging of everyone else.

“It must be said clearly: there are those who work systematically and by any means to turn away migrants – to turn away migrants,” the pope stated. “And this, when done with conscience and responsibility, is a grave sin.”

The beam in your own eye, you gold-laced hypocrite.

Northern League leader Matteo Salvini responded: “If he wants to apply it in his state, the Vatican, he can go right ahead.”

The pope would sooner give up his private jet for the sake of the planet. This is the hypocrite who not only cowers behind massive stone walls and heavily armed guards, but forces anyone who wishes to bask in his august presence to pass through a metal detector. Mere schmucks who live in North Carolina or Dover can go fuck themselves, as far the Phonifex Maximus is concerned.

I’ve endured more pious, hypocritical indignation from the likes of Mark Zuckerberg, Paul Ryan, and Hillary Clinton than one workin’ man should ever be expected to endure. No longer will I sit silently as they huddle safely in their fortified, high-tech Batcaves while castigating proles such as myself for not embracing and financing the hostile hordes they’re pouring into this country like so much fire and brimstone. Until you give me your keys and allow me to pop by your walled-in mansions any time I want, you all need to shut your lying pieholes about open borders.

And that goes double for you, popey-boy, you gigantic, lying, phony fraud.

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