John Reuhman – Director EcoWorld Aquarium & Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre & Picton Cinemas
Port Marlborough NZ’s lawyers have now ordered Picton’s EcoWorld Aquarium to cease trading on Thursday 22 July and dispose of the animals, demolish the aquarium and totally clear the site to bare land. Port Marlborough has offered to assist EcoWorld.
EcoWorld director John Reuhman said.
“I received Bell Gully’s 5 page letter on Thursday afternoon. It is full of legal jargon, allegations and threats, especially towards me and my personal guarantee, and my being liable for damages and costs etc. I don’t have the financial resources to fight this and they know that. It all seems very personal.
Port Marlborough’s CEO Rhys Welbourn continues to “forget” the offer made to EcoWorld on 19 February 2018 of a new 20 year lease until 22 April 2041. He forgets all our subsequent constructive discussions about EcoWorld’s development plans, architect’s drawings etc. And then the delays caused by the ever changing Port- Kiwirail development plans and Covid. We honestly always believed the lease was going to be renewed. We had absolutely no reason to believe otherwise.
Port Marlborough’s order is unkind, really crushing, bully boy stuff.
We are scrambling to get resources together to go to court. We only have 12 days.”
Port Marlborough NZ continues to not acknowledge that EcoWorld is Marlborough’s leading and most visited tourist attraction and does not acknowledge EcoWorld’s vital role in Marlborough’ community – cultural, social, environmental and economic. And that EcoWorld is thriving in Covid times at 129% 2019, pre Covid, entirely self supporting.
The only explanation for Port Marlborough’s actions might be in Rhys Welbourn’s media release of 7 July seeking
“better benefits.for the region and community as a whole!”
“…it is important for us (Port Marlborough) to consider other uses for the land that deliver better cultural, environmental and economic benefits for the region and the community as a whole. We will be working with our community and mana whenua to identify options for the future, Mr Welbourn says.”
Reuhman said
What could get a much better use for our tiny 48m x 18m piece of land, and not without spending millions of dollars of ratepayers’ money? The aquarium and wildlife rehabilitation centre has-been providing huge benefits to many for more than 19 years
There is an immediate solution to the forced shutdown. All the power is held by Marlborough’s Mayor John Leggett. Port Marlborough NZ is a 100% owned subsidiary of the Marlborough District Council.
With just one phone call Mayor Leggett can call the dogs off and give EcoWorld some hope. He is the man in charge.”
EcoWorld’s manager Janelle White said,
“The stress is unbelievable at times, my migraines are crippling.
Please help us and help the animals. We are all living beings with feelings and rights.
Please go to EcoWorld Aquarium’s Facebook page and sign the petition and please make a donation (lawyers are very expensive).
Contact Mayor Leggett (027 431 7693 ) and plead with him for some compassion. Ask Mayor Leggett to be kind to us, give us some relief and help end this nightmare.
We need to get round the table, talk and sort this crazy situation out sensibly. We are determined to survive, keep thriving, bouncing forward but it’s really tough.”
EcoWorld is going to court to try to stop Port Marlborough’s unjust actions.
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