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Portrait of an ‘Austere Religious Scholar’

A bad wog blew himself up this week and it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. No… really. If we believed the nonsense published about this terrible, evil man we would think that he actually was a nice guy, just misunderstood. BFD commenter LisaInNZ summed up the reality of the man that The Washington Post so blithely described as an “austere religious scholar.”

In reality: ” Baghdadi photographed and publicized how he and his fellow butchers roasted alive men hogtied over flames; burned whole families with their children
in cages; drowned prisoners in cages; raped and murdered thousands of
Yazidi women and girls; and beheaded, shot, and blew up countless
thousands of people.

Among those he kidnapped, tortured, and murdered was a young American woman, Kayla Mueller, whom Obama failed to rescue in time.

After his Iraqi mayhem, Baghdadi took refuge in Syria, where he hid out.

This week, U.S. Special Forces, aided, according to reports, by Turks and
Kurds, were granted permission by the Russians to fly over the area held by them. These forces overran his compound and chased him into a
dead-end tunnel, where he used his suicide vest to kill himself and
three of his children. In the process, our Special Forces gathered up
valuable intelligence about the origins of ISIS, its structure and
future plans. “


How dare The Washington Post whitewash this vile human being instead of giving him the obituary he deserved. President Trump treated the man’s memory the way it deserved to be treated. He said that Baghdadi blew himself up, in a tunnel under the compound, “as our dogs chased him down,” and “he died like a dog.”

Yes, he did and no sanitised obituary that is an insult to the memory of all his victims can change that fact.
