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Post Budget Poll: Labour Drops Two Points

post budget poll

Despite spending like a drunken sailor, more than any other Government in history, it has delivered a polling flop for the Labour Party. The 1News/Kantar post-budget poll shows Labour slipping two points.

National is steady on 39%, while Labour has fallen by 2 to 35%. The Greens have risen by 1 to 10%, and ACT has gone down 1 to 7%.

Labour leader and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has seen her preferred PM rating slip slightly in today’s poll – still ahead of the pack but now only 8% in front of National party leader Christopher Luxon.

Party support

National: 39% (steady)

Labour: 35% (down 2)

Green Party: 10% (up 1)

ACT: 7% (down 1)

Te Pati Maori: 2% (steady)

The Opportunities Party (TOP): 2% (up 1)

New Zealand First: 1% (down 1)

New Conservative: 1% (steady)

Don’t know/refused: 11%

Translated into seats in Parliament, the party support result would give National 51 seats and ACT 9, a combined total of 60. Labour would have 45, the Greens 13, a total of 58. If Te Pati Maori with 2 seats joined them, those 3 parties would also have a total of 60. If it joined National and ACT, they would have 62 altogether.

Parliamentary seats based on poll results

National Party: 51

Labour Party: 45

Green Party: 13

ACT Party: 9

Te Pati Maori: 2

TOTAL: 120


The measure of success of a budget is a corresponding boost in the polls from grateful voters. This poll has delivered a drop in support for the governing party.

The student politicians war gaming this on the Ninth Floor of the Beehive will still be thinking they are going really well. That’s how out of touch they are.

The economy is tanking, inflation is robbing the poor, and prices are sky-rocketing.

Ask any car dealer how things are going and they will tell you it is worse than the lockdowns. Car dealers, builders, courier drivers and the sex industry are the canaries in the economic coal mine. They all know that there is a nasty constriction going on and people just aren’t spending.

If you have cash and go shopping the discounts that are available to you are huge, I’ve seen up to 60% off on new large ticket items.

These are the sorts of economic headwinds that destroy Governments who appear arrogant and out of touch with the working poor.

Labour is sitting on a precipice of Wile E. Coyote type proportions.

They’ve run out of room, and there is no way that anything they do tomorrow or in the near future will mitigate the entrenched harm in the economy that their previous policies have caused.

Come the next election their epitaph will be that of yet another failed socialist experiment. They can’t rely on Covid anymore, nor will they be able to rely on Monkey Pox. They’re as screwed as the proverbial coyote.

The only saving grace for Labour is that it appears that we’ve reached peak Luxon. There are no more gains to be had for National having an anodyne and boring globalist boring us all to death. The sad part for them is that he’s all they’ve got, in a sea of mediocrity.

Interesting time, ahead. Batten down the hatches.

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