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Geoffrey Corfield

Geoffrey Corfield has been active in Conservative politics in Canada since 1976, both federally and provincially. But he won’t always write about politics because he has more experience with writing history and humour. He lives in London, Ontario, frequents used book shops, swims lengths, drinks beer, plays croquet, has his own town in north-central Queensland and six books published, and would very much like to find a publisher for this New Zealand book and its companion one for Australia.

A Tale of Three Canadians

Three Canadians. Two you will probably know, and one you might not.
But all three are sounding the alarm about the suffocating blanket
attack on truth, freedoms, and law and order by universities and other
institutions spreading the ideological warped thinking and twisted
logic of the mentally deranged and brainwashed Left. Where do these
people come from? Answer: We ‘educated’ them.

Conrad Black, former newspaper boy and inmate, now British Lord and
writer. Mr Black’s weekly appearance on a Toronto radio station was
“permanently cancelled” because he said that “Canada was not
systematically racist. To declare that Canada is not a racist country
is itself judged to be a racist comment. This is absurd and

Jordan Peterson, professor of psychology at The University of Toronto,
tells the story of Dr Tomas Hudlicky, a chemistry professor with
impeccable credentials at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario.

A German Science journal has retracted an essay written 30-years-ago, but just published, by Brock University professor Tomáš Hudlický which criticizes diversity hiring. (Brock University)

Dr. Hudlicky wrote a paper published in a scientific journal on the
state of “organic synthesis research” which dealt with the problems of
“preferential status” and “submission to one’s mentors”.

The paper was deemed “academic feudalism” and “anti-diversity screed”.
It was removed from the journal, the journal apologised, two of the
journal’s editors were “suspended”, Hudlicky had an entire issue of
another journal cancelled, mention of his work in another journal
erased, and was criticised by both a European chemical society and his
own university.

Mr. Peterson warns: “Science, technology, engineering and mathematics
are the next frontier for occupation by the politically correct.
Qualified and expert researchers are already in great danger of being
pushed aside by activists of the proper opinion. Your famous immunity
to political concerns will not protect you against what is headed your
way fast over the next five or so years”.

Bruce Pardy, professor of law at Queen’s University in Kingston,
Ontario, relates the problem of Critical Theory:

“Capitalism is oppressive, private property rights cause environmental destruction,
prosperity causes climate change. Critical Theory opposes everything
that makes the West work. Their purpose is to condemn cultural norms,
tear down existing orders, and transform society. A growing proportion
of people in universities, the media, politics and corporate
structures; now reject the premises upon which their own thriving
societies are built.”
“The final conquest is now in progress inside science, technology,
engineering and medical faculties. Generations of graduates taught
Critical Theory now populate governments, corporate boards, human
resource departments, courts, media and education. Children carry the
guilt of living in a society that they are taught is fundamentally
His warning: “Do not expect bedrock principles of Canadian law and
society to withstand this subversion. The ground began to shift long
ago (Frankfurt, Germany 1937), and  a kind of cultural apocalypse is
well underway”.

His solution:

“Try to teach as many people as you can. Hope for the
best and prepare for the worst”.

The Enemy Within.

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