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Pregnant Males are a Scientific Fact

yellow and black round fruits on tree branch
Credit: Michal B.

Thornton Blackmore

One can only hope that future generations will look upon these times and ponder at the absurdities of the Western Cultural Revolution.

Indeed, unlike the comparatively mundane class struggles of previous centuries, today’s Marxism seeks to dismantle not only class or even gender, but is attempting now to redefine what it means to
be a human being.

And so today, the progressive march of the Kali Yuga demands that we kneel before the latest of Frankenstein’s creations – the pregnant male.

Such absurdities have come to be expected in today’s post-truth society, where every day resembles a misadventure through an Orwellian novel. No longer the fictitious musings of a literary prophet,
newspeak, doublethink and thoughtcrime are now a fact of everyday life.

Indeed, it was Orwell’s depiction of Winston’s interrogation in the detention cells of the Ministry of Love that coined for us the notion of ‘two plus two equals five’.

And beneath the veneer of identity politics, the suggestion that a male is able to conceive and carry a child is no less sinister in import or objective, than to allege that ‘two plus two equals five’.

In all fairness however, the Creator has provided something for everyone in this world. And if reincarnation is indeed a possibility, then a rare opportunity awaits the expectant males of today in the life hereafter.

Found in the shallow waters of the temperate and tropical regions, the Hippocampus species is one of nature’s anomalies. Better known as the seahorse, these aquatics are among the only species on Earth in which a true biological male carries the burden of pregnancy.

After an elaborate courtship, the male seahorse is transferred the female’s eggs and fertilises them within his own body. Carrying the young within his brood pouch for several weeks of gestation, which varies between species of Hippocampus, the male then gives birth.

So while the transhumanist agenda of today seeks to redefine what it means to be a man or a woman, nature has meanwhile provided a quaint solution to this befuddlement. Sure, life as a Hippocampus may have its drawbacks, but it would certainly ease some tension here among the human species if today’s pregnant males were reassigned to a more suitable species the next time around.

And thus the pregnant male may be known as a scientific fact.


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