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Put Your Money Where Our Mouth Is

Photo by RyanMcGuire. The BFD.

Yes, you guessed it this is another membership promo for The BFD.

Contrary to what some may believe, we cannot exist on fairy dust and unicorn farts alone. We actually rely on our readers to fund the content that you all enjoy so much.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Pixy.

We know that you are a fan of The BFD and that you enjoy our content and many of you already are members, and we want to take this opportunity to thank you all very much for your financial support of The BFD. We are very grateful indeed for your support.

As a growing business your memberships are our lifeblood.

For those of you who have not yet subscribed to The BFD please show us your support by subscribing to us today. 

We are the only News and Views website in New Zealand wholly funded by our readers, and if we are to remain a permanent part of the media landscape and continue to grow we need more of our fans to put their money where our mouth is.

We need your financial support to keep doing what we do.

Please become a member today if you value what we do and want us to keep doing it.
