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Questioning the New Zealand Govt COVID-19 Response

1st dose and 2nd dose of Covid-19 vaccine on a vial bottle and injection. Syringe on a white table.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

Post-election the leader of NZ political party (and likely new government coalition partner) ACT, David Seymour, has said he would like to expand the Terms of Reference of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the COVID-19 response and also ask the public which questions they would like to see addressed and answered.  Winston Peters also campaigned on a broader public inquiry.  This is encouraging and we are keen to see this occur very quickly.

In our opinion there has been so much harm caused by the government’s COVID-19 response, supported by all parliamentarians, that it is hard to know where to begin to unpack it.

And until the response is examined and accounted for, with a promise never to harm the population in such a way again, there is a large chunk of the population who will not trust any elected official.

However, we think the most important issue to address first is the extent of harm caused by the COVID-19 vaccine.  While this is being determined, the vaccination rollout should be halted.

Other questions regarding the COVID-19 response that we would like addressed include:

  • How did the Medsafe approval process work, and why was a very different product then given to the population?
  • Who were the members of the Medicines Assessment Advisory Committee that approved the vaccine, after Medsafe wouldn’t?
  • Was a Bill of Rights Act (BORA) assessment of vaccine mandates carried out and if so, what was the science behind the ‘reasonable and demonstrably justified limitation’ on our right to decline medical treatment?
  • Why was the product not declared to be a genetically modified biological therapy, and assessed accordingly?
  • Why was the advice by government scientists to give children just one dose, and not to mandate them, ignored?
  • Why was the public messaging of ‘safe and effective’ so different from the Pfizer clinical trial data, and its documents showing immediate reports of substantial harm, both in Medsafe’s possession?
  • What or who gave the MCNZ authority to threaten and silence doctors and restrict their ability to prescribe safe and long-approved medications, whilst forcing brand new genetic technology with no safety data on the population, and prohibiting doctors from discussing the risks?
  • Was any health-related risk-benefit assessment of lockdowns, social distancing, masks, business closures etc. ever considered or undertaken?
  • Is the Pfizer vaccine distributed in NZ contaminated with DNA and if so, how did it get through the approval process?

We will have many more questions and we encourage you to think of the questions you would like to be covered by this inquiry.

We believe an independent and frank inquiry will find that reckless officials were induced to play Russian roulette with the nation’s health, and it has been a disaster, which was on the cards since the start. Knowing this, they have ploughed on, either knowingly, willfully blind or too terrified to stop. So we (the people of New Zealand) must order them to cease and desist immediately.

Image Credit: NZDSOS
