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Quick, We Need a Huge Distraction

huge distraction

Labour’s budget has gone down like a cup of cold sick. The tour of the US has become an embarrassment; tripping backwards and forwards across the country with gay abandon, ignoring the climate implications as the Princess of the Pestilence seeks global acclaim and signing a new woke agenda between California and New Zealand in the Australia section of the San Francisco Botanical Gardens. They need a huge distraction after the latest public poll.

So what do we get? The latest Talbot Mills (formerly UMR) internal polling which shows…well…not much at all.

Naturally, the media pounced on this glimmer of hope like a fat lass on a cream cake.

A new poll has Labour slightly ahead of National, with just enough support to govern, provided Te Pati Maori did not back National and Act.

The Talbot-Mills corporate poll for May put Labour on 37 points, up 1 point, and National on 36, down 1 point.

The Greens were steady on 8, and Act was down 2 points to 7.

Te Pati Maori polled 3 per cent, down from 3.2, and NZ First was at 4 per cent, up 1 point, and just shy of the 5 per cent threshold.

NZ Herald

At least they disclosed that Talbot Mills are Labour’s internal pollsters.

They then wax lyrical about how the racists in the Maori Party may have the balance of power, without noticing that NZ First are at 4 per cent, just 1 per cent off returning to parliament again, allowing Winston Peters to have a free kick at 1News:

Oh, and of course, we must have gushy media stories about “Betty” breaking down:

All this is designed to distract people from the real issues that Labour has allowed to fester and grow into the cancers that can only be blamed on them.

Like the appalling and growing cost of living crisis, or a Foreign Affairs Minister who hasn’t bothered to engage with her counterparts and has let China gazump her paltry and meagre efforts at diplomacy.

Labour hasn’t just failed to keep their eyes on numerous balls, they aren’t even on the playing field; hoping instead that their inept and faker by the day clown in charge carries on getting global headlines.

They think they got a headline of a brilliant woke leader speaking to gasping woke students when the reality is that most of the world sees Lord Maximus Farquaad.

She thinks she’s woke and cool because she can read poorly and pronounce even worse some dead language from the teleprompter…again the reality is more like this video spreading around social media.

What the Labour Government fails to realise is that we are heartily sick to death of their flannel, their spin and the sight of them.

The recession and likely depression that they’ve plunged New Zealand into will not be forgiving. But I doubt Ardern cares, she will have ensconced herself into a well-paid sinecure and trough somewhere off shore. She won’t have to weather the storms she’s created.

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