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Rating the International Television Channels


Sir Bob Jones

THE BEST: By a country mile, Al Jazeera. It alone presents full international news. A Zambian or Honduras Presidential election result will be advised, even if in an announcement running along the bottom of the screen. An added bonus is their flock of stunning female news presenters.

THE WORST – Easy. The BBC. Every brief news item is preceded by a ludicrous tiresome picture of an evolving globe.

At about 10 minute interviews, they cut to a pointless lengthy world weather report, as if anyone gives a damn about the temperature in Ethiopia or Mongolia. It’s a truly bad news channel.

CNN: Its main attraction is the amusing relentless Trump bashing.

Its worst feature are the lengthy portrayals of the wonderfulness of their news-readers.

FOX: America’s most popular news channel doesn’t deserve the bashing it cops. Sure it has some fanatical “Trump is God” presenters, notably the ghastly Hannity.

But off-setting that are some quality interviews and balanced hosts who pursue matters in depth.

SKY: A mixed bag. Good on UK news for half the day but its Australian 12 hours is ludicrously right wing and tiresomely repetitious.

RUSSIAN TV: Quirky but carries excellent interviews.

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