First of all, I must apologise for a very belated season’s greetings. I have spent the last ten days in splendid isolation with my family but without internet connection, TV and rather questionable radio reception. It was bliss. On the odd occasion when we ventured into town we found a cafe with Internet and if time permitted, I caught up with BFD posts and comments.
Last year was awful, however, my continued gratitude to all of you who kept me informed. I was educated, saddened and exhilarated, but most of all encouraged at the fortitude and determination of most contributors resolve to not submit to the demands of one of the most oppressive regimes this country has ever experienced. Also the empowering journey of those challenged with serious health issues. You all represent courage and resilience. Real New Zealanders.
In reality, it is quite a comfort to know that the rational and wise still live amongst us. This country will never become a socialist outpost no matter how hard and determinedly this Labour administration strives towards implementing its programme of transition. They are dealing with New Zealanders. We may have our differences, we may represent many ethnicities and we may have an expansive treasure trove of opinions, but we all call NZ home. And it is claimed by some that, “Home is where your heart is”. A place you feel connected to emotionally, a place you are happy to arrive back at, somewhere you have fond memories of and being near your family and loved ones. Home can never be socialism.
During the last six months more and more New Zealanders are shaking off Ardern’s security blanket as they emerged from her infantile mothering.
They are starting to realise that the last thing this country needs is a mother. It needs a leader.
They are demanding a team of motivated, experienced personnel to reverse what has become a very serious slump in confidence that has been introduced by those who have demonstrated the evil art of doctrinal oppression. Political parasites parading down the destructive path of socialism and separatism.
During 2020 a majority loved Ardern. In 2021 a minority loved Ardern. During 2022 only Labour will love Ardern. In 2023 only Ardern will love Ardern.
It is always great to have a debate on this site regarding who would best serve the political right. At this point in time, it is Ardern and her abysmal mob of muppets who are on target to serve the right best, by default.