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Recognise, Treat and Compensate the Vaccine-Injured

Photo credit Joe McPhee. National Day of Protest 16 Dec 2021. The BFD.

New Conservative

New Conservative is pleased to announce our revised Covid-19 response policy.

The policy is summed up in 12 words:

“Respect freedom of choice, don’t discriminate, look after everybody, trust people.”

The full policy reads:



Respect Freedom of Choice

New Conservative supports the freely made decisions of individuals and families whether to get vaccinated or not.

Don’t Discriminate

There is no medical, scientific or ethical basis on which to discriminate against the unvaccinated.

Look After Everybody

Harms and risks to all parts of society must be taken into account when setting Covid-19 policy.

Trust People

Voluntary measures work better than coercion.


  • Scrap all remaining Covid-19 mandates, passports and border controls.
  • End the special nature of the Covid-19 vaccination programme. Vaccines should be administered on the recommendation of GPs, after consultation with their patients.  Walk-in vaccination at pharmacies and clinics should cease.
  • Stop publicly funded advertising for Covid-19 vaccination.
  • Allow doctors to prescribe off-label drugs for the treatment of Covid-19 as they see fit.
  • Recognise, treat and compensate the vaccine-injured.
  • Reinstate public sector employees who have lost their jobs over Covid-19 employment mandates and encourage private sector employers to do the same.
  • Emphasise and promote general health (exercise, diet, stress management).
  • Review the Covid-19 vaccination and response programme in the light of all new information.

New Conservative opposes any extension of eligibility for the Covid-19 vaccines (e.g. to children under 5)


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