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Religious Persecution California Style


The globalist elite, as those who are aware of what is happening in Western Society know, are working from the same game plan throughout the western world. The “Let’s Beat COVID” messages everywhere tend to be almost identical. This is why, when the globalist elite decide that everyone needs to show submission to their rulership by wearing masks, the implementation occurs worldwide.

It also explains why, at one time, our own Director-General of Health, told us that wearing masks isn’t really helpful in combatting the Chinese plague and then, not too many weeks later, produced a mask from his pocket and told us that we should wear them to avoid spreading the Wuhan pestilence. His masters have told him to do it.

One area in which the elites seem to be unanimous, is that Christianity must be destroyed. The communist regimes of Soviet Russia, Eastern Europe, China and just about everywhere that atheistic socialism has blighted the people, have tried and failed to exterminate Christianity. How can they achieve this?

If we want to know how they might think they can do this, take a look at that wokest of woke states, California, where lunacy is encouraged, and sanity is seemingly despised.

The favoured method at present in California is simply to close the churches and keep them closed. Never mind that bars, casinos, theatres and other gathering places are allowed to operate, albeit with some restrictions, but churches in a large number of counties in California are not permitted to open, and the big stick is being waved to keep it that way.

There is a church in Santa Clara, Silicon Valley, whose services I watch on YouTube quite often, and the Senior Pastor, Jack Trieber a crusty octogenarian, has had enough. For almost 6 months they have been closed. Elementary and secondary school, Bible College, bus and other ministries have been sitting idle for this time.

A couple of months back, in the light of deaths and cases in the area being much fewer than the model’s forecast (sound familiar?), the church decided to reopen for their three services each week, on Sunday morning and evening and Wednesday evening. Social distancing is being practised, and every second row in the auditorium is empty. The choir is spaced at 2-metre intervals, likewise the musicians. This is practised in other states which have permitted churches to meet again.

A couple of weeks back, the county posted a cease and desist order on the church doors, advising that services have to stop. A fine would be imposed for every service, and it would increase to US$5,000 per service if they dared to sing.

Singing is a vital part of just about all Christian services, whether it be liturgical chants, or lively black worship, or somewhere in between. So the North Valley Baptist Church of Santa Clara sings.

As pastor Trieber notes, (paraphrased). We have done everything the county has asked. We have obeyed the laws and closed our services down for months. But although we seek to obey the law, ultimately we serve a higher authority, who tells us:

“Heb_10:25  Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”

So far the fines have totalled more than US$50,000 but Pastor Trieber is not ready to close the doors again yet. The State government has recently moved to substantially increase the fines. The church has had considerable support from all across the US. Churches and individuals have donated to help to pay the fines and local and interstate teams of attorneys are working at no charge to help the church. Most states are now allowing churches to assemble with sensible distancing requirements, but California says “not here”.

The first amendment says: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”.

The church leadership believe that they absolutely have the right under the first amendment to assemble peaceably. This will no doubt be tested in the not too distant future.

It will be interesting to see what transpires in the coming weeks. The fines are now $50,000 per week that the church holds services. I completely understand that there will be those who say that the church should obey the law and stay closed. Then there are those who believe that this is simply a tactic to damage the churches in California and the church needs to push back. Both views have validity of course, but is there a guarantee that the patently anti-Christian Californian government will allow churches to operate again in 1,2, 3 or more months? Perhaps they’re hoping that people will get out of the habit of church attendance and not go back when they are opened again. Nothing should be ruled out as far as these people are concerned.

No doubt our own government is well aware of California’s methodology and are keeping an eye on how it works out.

The county and State governments will know that there are probably not too many Democrat voters in this church, and probably even fewer now. So perhaps they feel that there is “no need to defend.”

Here is a video of a recent statement by Pastor Trieber. (4 minutes):

Has a sleeping giant been awakened? Or will the state of California just attempt to wear down the church financially, until they are forced to close again? The next few weeks will be crucial.

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