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Renewal of Provisional Consent for Covid-19 Vaccines

Image credit The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

The Fox is Guarding the Hen House

Caretaker New Zealand Minister of Health Dr Ayesha Verrall has renewed provisional consent for Covid-19 vaccines as at 3 November 2023 for a further two years. Announced on 1 November 2023 by Chris James, group manager at Medsafe, the Renewal of Provisional Consent to the Distribution of a Medicine covers six different Comirnaty products from up to 12 different manufacturers. A variable number of conditions, from eight to 12, is attached to each product.

Each of these manufacturers has a contract with the New Zealand government. Not one of these contracts has been made available for public scrutiny. The public pay for the product and must consume the product but they need not know any of the contractual details about the product. The repercussions of this will become even more evident if and when the latest World Health Organization international health regulations and Pandemic Treaty come into place. As you can see here, Dr Verrall is also involved in, and complying with, these proceedings on our behalf.

The 12 conditions of the updated provisional consent approval vary from already breached (clause 4 asking for quantification of the integrity of the RNA content by December 2022!) to the genuinely Mickey-taking clause 6. This asks for any Pfizer data “on efficacy including asymptomatic infection in the vaccinated group, vaccine failure, immunogenicity, efficacy in population subgroups and results from post marketing studies, within five working days of these being produced”.

We have provided a large amount of relevant and very alarming data from non-Pfizer sources which has been ignored, and MoH might like to speed up the release of its own post marketing study on myocarditis.  Curiously, there is no condition demanding immediate confirmation or refutation of bacterial plasmid DNA, nor potentially oncogenic (cancer causing) SV40 viral code, nor has Medsafe asked why the contamination data was withheld by Pfizer – as far as we know.

Timing is sometimes everything, and lawyer Sue Grey has today received a response to an OIA request for details of deaths due to other provisionally consented medicines. It turns out there are plenty, and that some (lethal) products used for many years in New Zealand are still only provisionally registered. This is clearly the mechanism used for drugs that are too dangerous ever to meet the safety standards for full registration.

But nothing has killed and maimed like Comirnaty and the resulting silence from Wellington is terrifying, given the many thousands of excess deaths we are experiencing, and the seismic disruption ahead when The People realise. The other provisionally consented medicines are only prescribed to a very small part of the population.

We have wondered if Verrall would try to get Comirnaty out as fully registered. After all it is ‘very safe and effective’, ‘the safest vaccine ever’, according to just a few of the many written memes from government. We have to wonder why they waited until the very last minute. What has been happening behind the curtain? Did someone get cold feet? Of course, officials can still try to upgrade its status anytime, this genetically modified gene-altering lethal and, probably, universally damaging injection.

Further, Dr Verrall is merely the caretaker minister of an outgoing government (which is despised by many), but Chris James of Medsafe gave the advice, and you can bet that Dr Shane Reti, likely incoming health minister, is both outwardly supportive and quietly relieved it is not his name on the consent. He has been told in person, frequently, and via numerous emails, of the harms and risks but so far has kept silent, like the rest of them. Maybe, though, he will accede to NZ First’s enquiry and start to do the right thing, as a medical man.

