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Repeal of Three Waters Brings Concerns

bubbles going upwards on a body of water
Photo by Jong Marshes. The BFD.

Summarised by Centrist

RNZ is reporting that National’s decision to repeal water services reforms, known as Three Waters, is anticipated to result in rate increases nationwide. The repeal will replace the reform with a system allowing councils to form organisations for infrastructure projects.

According to reports, there are concerns about potential financial strain on councils and ratepayers. While some welcome the shift, others fear increased rates and challenges for smaller councils. Clutha District mayor advocates for regional collaboration, emphasising efficiency.

Meanwhile, Manawatu’s mayor expresses relief at the return of decision-making power to councils. Overall, the report raises questions about financial sustainability and collaboration among councils to manage water infrastructure effectively.

Editor’s Note: Fear mongering over rising rates is nothing new. There is little likelihood Three Waters as proposed by the previous government would deliver on savings for consumers. Look at our coverage here and here to understand how the numbers on paper were unrealistic. In our view, Three Waters, under Labour, was more about implementing a system of co-governance than delivering on water reform.

Read more over at RNZ
