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Rich, Old, Pale, Stale, Male Manipulates Climate Strikers

How ironic that a rich, old, pale, stale, male, one-percenter (or more likely a 0.01%er) should be the one that has galvanised the oppressed comrades on the left to ‘strike’ for climate. Soros, ranked at 178 in the rich list, is reputedly worth $US8.3 billion.

A member of the left’s most hated demographic is the one that funds the strikes and manipulates all the ‘oh so woke’ who are actually the ‘oh so gullible.’

While 16-year-old Greta Thunberg has become the face of the climate strike movement, it’s no longer gatherings of children. A litany of well-funded, left-wing activist groups have partnered to generate a week of climate protests known as the “Global Climate Strike:” Sept 20, through 27, bookending the U.N. climate conference.
At least 22 of those partners have been funded by liberal billionaire George Soros who spends nearly $1 billion a year on groups pushing a variety of left-wing causes. Together, 22 organizations listed as international or North American partners of the Global Climate Strike received at least $24,854,592 from Soros’ Open Society Network between 2000-2017. […]

In recent years, Soros funding went to at least 22 of those partnering groups including, Amnesty International, Avaaz, Color of Change and People’s Action. Those groups had various climate-related agendas from reducing global carbon emissions to less than 350 parts per million, campaigning for 100 percent “clean energy,” banning new fossil fuel projects to a “green civil rights movement.” […]
Eco-doomsayer Bill Mckibben founded 350 in 2008. The name of the organization comes from its desired carbon emissions goal of less than 350 parts per million — current emissions levels are already at 415 ppm. McKibben’s past climate predictions were so extreme even Scientific American called him out in 2011, for being “overheated” and”fear-mongering.” The group fought against coal power in India, tried to stop the Keystone XL pipeline in the U.S. and has promoted fossil fuel divestment.

Known more for its pro-abortion, pro-gun control, LGBTQ rights advocacy and opposition to Israel, Amnesty International was another Soros-funded strike partner. Its website confirmed it “will be taking part in the climate strikes,” because “Human rights are intimately linked with climate change because of its devastating effect on not just the environment but our own wellbeing.” […]


Ah, yes, our ‘wellbeing’.  So important that we really should have a budget for it.

Photoshopped image credit Boondecker


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