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Riots Are Just Fine, So Long as You’re Not White

A ‘two-tier policing’ is just another racist conspiracy theory, remember.

And just like that, the left didn't want a White Riot. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Remember the halcyon days of 2020–22, when the most destructive riots in US history were ‘the voice of the unheard’? The last thing anyone was allowed to do was attempt to stop them. When the New York Times grudgingly published an op-ed suggesting that the National Guard be called out to quell the deadly violence, the editor responsible was summarily fired.

Even in the ’60s and ’70s, the Birmingham, Watts and Brixton riots were cheered on by the left. The left once so loved a good riot that uber-right-on lefties the Clash urged the whities to get in on the action. White riot – I wanna riot – white riot – a riot of my own!

According to the Clash, who, surprisingly for people involved in the popular entertainment industry, were actually hard-leftists, their song […] was a call for the State-neglected white working classes of England to imitate their black peers, who had just rioted in London’s Notting Hill district in 1976, and engage in acts of noble civil resistance against perceived ills like poverty, police brutality, and just generally being treated with overt contempt by the ruling class.

Well, nearly 50 years later, the white working class have taken the Clash’s advice – and the left are losing their shit.

Which is odd, really, because working-class British whites are just doing what other groups have done – and they were showered with praise and pandering from the white elites.

In July, Romanians in the Midlands city of Leeds torched vehicles and rampaged through streets after social services had come to take four kids away from a local Roma gypsy family, something they viewed as a form of racial persecution: Traditionally, it’s gypsies who are supposed to steal white people’s children, not the other way around. One female Romanian resident told journalists the following, the first sentence of which sounds like an open threat:

“The Romanians will do this again. We all took to the streets because the family are desperate. This is a typical Romanian response [i.e., mass criminal violence], we are just fighting for each other. This would not happen to an English family. This is happening because we are Romanian. This feels like racism. This does not happen in Romania.”

Neither does authorities sitting by while Gypsies run amok. Not like Britain, where Leeds City Council immediately grovelled and begged forgiveness from the rioting Roma.

Well, clearly rioting works, then, especially when it is performed in the name of a higher moral cause. After all, the brave Roma of Leeds were only trying to protect their beloved and under-threat children from harm, weren’t they? So, when white kids got stabbed by a black suspect in Southport, surely it was only logical for white Brits to take to the streets and get their demands for mass deportations of non-whites immediately agreed to by those in charge? Sadly not.

Sir Keir Starmer – once upon a time, a Labour PM would have been eternally shamed to be dubbed a Sir – who had not said a word while the gypsies smashed, looted and burned, went full freak out with a special address to the nation:

Openly accusing all white rioters of being actual literal Nazis. Then, without a hint of irony or self-awareness, he warned he was about to bring in various new gestapo-style measures like facial recognition at train stations to prevent such “far-right thugs” from traveling up and down the country defending their threatened youth like the Roma did.

Nor has Herr Daily Starmer likewise condemned the armed gangs of Muslims who took to Britain’s streets, viciously attacking any white person who got in their way. No more than Australia’s chattering left have ever said a word about the gangs of Muslims who cruised Sydney’s streets the night after the Cronulla riot, beating and stabbing any ‘Aussie’ they could find.

But a ‘two-tier policing’ is just another racist conspiracy theory, remember.

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