Inspiration for this week’s column comes from six essays I’ve come across in the past few days. Together they have strengthened my resolve to do whatever little I can to put the earliest possible end to the lasting harm to our national health and well-being, to our cherished freedoms, and to our and future prosperity and progress by the neo-Marxist gang posing as a government in Wellington.
By a programme of calculated and deliberate stealth, they are seeking to infect New Zealanders with a debilitating disease that if allowed to succeed will make the present Covid-19 pandemic look like a childhood sniffle.
As upsetting as that evil, insidious intent is the apparent apathy of so many Kiwis in tolerating this perversion of our traditional values and principles. It’s as though many of us are content to pass our days in a daze, letting the wokesters have their way.
Well, I’ve had enough! C’mon, fellow-Kiwis! Time to rebel! Rouse yourselves! Time to be Anti-Woke, hence the A-Woke in my headline above.
We can all make a start this coming Friday, 20 August by turning out from North Cape to the Bluff, and especially we urbanites, in support of our splendid rural warriors who are mounting a second Groundswell protest.
And to get yourselves motivated, you don’t need to listen any more to me:
Go to the links below:
Labour and Green parties, the public service, the mainstream news media, the universities, and even in the executive ranks of some of this country’s largest businesses…have unleashed a bewildering series of policy initiatives which, if carried to their logical conclusion, would produce a society very different from the one in which most New Zealanders have grown up.
Amy Brooke
Final sentences of pay-walled essay in The Spectator, Australia:
The Ardern coalition is viewed as so obsessive about the non-existent “climate emergency”_ hysteria that it is willing to put New Zealand at risk. However, many New Zealanders strongly believe that existing strategic manufacturing capability should be retained by our country. This thinking is more under attack now by our government of the Left than by any other in our history, with our industrial infrastructure being internally eroded, little by little.
Energy Minister Megan Woods has little reason to boast about the fact that we will have at least 18 days of supply up our sleeves when we go to a 100% importing model. What if the future does hold shipping disruptions, pipeline problems and panic buying? The consequences will impact all New Zealand.
In 2017 Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern campaigned on the need for an additional pipeline, saying a second shutdown of the Marsden Point fuel pipeline to Auckland Airport, endangering the aviation industry, showed the need for alternative infrastructure, calling it a ‘vulnerability’.
All talk and no action? Big on election promises, Jacinda Ardern’s disastrous government has not only been deeply divisive; it has been very poor on delivery. The price for this is being paid now by every one of us, in every area of our daily lives.
It is time to take stock of the current situation and do something meaningful in order to stop the potentially disastrous trend which has no mandate and is foreign to most Kiwis who value their freedoms.
It’s important to recognise that the special role of universities in acting as the ‘critic and conscience of society’, by providing the public with independent, expert commentary on key issues, is enshrined in the Education Act 1989. The Act also protects ‘academic freedom’, which it defines as “the freedom of academic staff to question and test received wisdom, to put forward new ideas and to state controversial or unpopular opinions”.
Attacks on free speech – even freedom of thought, since that’s what the enemies of free speech ultimately want to control – are coming so fast, and from so many directions, that it’s hard to keep up with them.
You’re being manipulated. In a time where ideology appears to trump facts in the public discourse, the power lies in the hands of the most outrageously plausible liar. This puts Conservatives at a disadvantage, because among their many values, Conservatives believe that adhering to the truth gives the least number of problems in the long run.
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