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Rules Don’t Apply to the Elites

While the rest of us suffer through lockdowns and quarantine, the globalist elite pretty much get to do as they choose. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

During the first lockdown. The then Minister of Health, David Clark, was caught riding his bike. The end result? He got to keep his job because, according to the PM, “we cannot afford massive disruption in the health sector or to our response.”

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke

Hundreds of Kiwis waited patiently to get home while the borders were closed. Meanwhile “The Wiggles” were allowed in because the PM’s daughter is a fan.

A face of the current Covid response was sprung on a beach with a friend. Her excuse? She was out “exercising”. While social and non-MSM media went into hyperdrive the story was all but ignored by the bought and paid for mainstream media.

Misinformation. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. The BFD.

Jacinda Ardern was shown on TV taking the Covid vaccine. Rumours suggest that the whole thing was staged and that she had already taken a more expensive Covid vaccine instead of the standard pleb shot the rest of us have to take. Yep, there is such a thing as “Covid privilege”. Mind you the above is a rumour so I’ll leave it up to BFD readers to decide how reasonably likely it is to be true given current circumstances.

Jacinda went up north to Northland and was heckled during a speech. Cases of Covid then showed up sending the whole of Northland, including Jacinda, into Level 3.

Just kidding. The whole of Northland was put into Level 3 except for Jacinda because she wasn’t actually in the area where the cases were found.

And as for the rest of us, if you get caught, say, going from Auckland to Gisborne to visit your dying granny, expect to be paraded naked down the village centre by the mainstream media.

One time, arguably, there was a division between the haves and have-nots. Today businesses and the “haves” have learnt that whatever power they thought they had is illusory. It can be all taken away by a government high on its own power in the name of protecting us all from whatever threat is currently in fashion, whether it be the latest drug scare, global warming, or, as in this case, a virulent virus.

Instead of the haves and have-nots, the Left and the Right, our nation has been divided into those that have political privilege and those that don’t. Those that can break the rules with impunity and those that can’t, even if it means missing out on seeing their children or going to the funeral of someone they loved.

And don’t get me started on the division the Government has created between the vaxxed and non-vaxxed.

While the rest of us suffer through lockdowns and quarantine, the globalist elite pretty much get to do as they choose. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
