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Science Must Involve Debate, Not Dogma

The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

Guy Hatchard PhD

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food testing and certification company.



Time to bring government and media to account

In what might be an alarming augury for the NZ government, I have noticed during the last few days that a number of the pro vaxx but science-qualified bloggers overseas like Drs Vinay Prasad and John Campbell have begun to ask variations of “What did we do wrong?”. Our government could ask similar questions of themselves.

Time to change gear before it is too late

How did our government policy and understanding become ‘stuck’, unable to take account of changing scientific publication—about vaccine adverse effects, transmissibility, Covid outcomes, etc? The impression created overseas by our government’s isolationism and refusal to face alternatives is one of intellectual inadequacy, crusading naïveté, and desire to control the narrative at all costs.

An article in the UK Daily Telegraph yesterday described Ardern as offering ‘a myopic moral vision, with no end in sight’. Has our government been pushing a less than honest narrative for reasons they are not prepared to discuss? The public deserves a complete narrative no matter how embarrassing that might be. Science must involve debate, not dogma.

The pandemic began with the ultimate pharmaceutical wet dream.

For years the biotechnology industry had been curating a deceptive public relations campaign to convince decision-makers that they were producing a safe genetic cure for all diseases. A mouth watering prospect for their bottom line. This deceptive PR has polluted every channel of medical information. Our government took the bait—hook, line, and sinker. We gaily sidelined established medical principles of safety testing, ethics, primary care, and prevention.

Chronic illness rates were clearly the main drivers of high Covid mortality, but nothing was relayed to the public that improvements in diet and lifestyle would greatly help survival rates. Novel, largely untested mRNA vaccination was adopted as a stand alone solution. From the beginning, there was evidence that this was unsupported.

Let’s be absolutely clear, the government was made aware and warned but turned their head and blocked their ears.

Mandatory reporting was not required

As a scientist, one of the most appalling mistakes of the government (used in its most general sense to include all aspects of officialdom) was to decide that it was not necessary to have mandatory reporting of adverse effects of Covid vaccination. This must have arisen from a decision to ‘trust’ Pfizer absolutely. Given Pfizer’s appalling safety record and the similarly appalling safety record of gene therapy, this was madness.

In essence, it means that all analysis of CARM adverse effects and any comparisons with population norms are utterly meaningless. In December 2021 the government doubled down on this policy in a letter to me despite simultaneously admitting that cardiac events were common enough to warrant a special alert to DHBs.

It is worth noting that mandatory reporting of adverse events for a novel medicine is the gold standard, that was heretofore required. The refusal to follow this protocol can be nothing less than criminal.

Moreover, the government saturation advertising that announced and continues to announce Covid vaccination as safe and effective in the face of published studies to the contrary and our own CARM system data is similarly criminal.

The mRNA vaccine is not effective

Long before the mandates came in there was abundant data that the vaccine waned in effectiveness rapidly. There was also worrying data that areas with high vaccine rates around the world did not have low case numbers and low deaths. Therefore there was insufficient data to warrant coercion. All this has been hashed over in so many blogs and letters to the government.

As a statistician, I am very clear from such anomalous data that there are other factors at work that need to be researched very carefully. Did we get that? No, we got mandates and we got interdepartmental messaging that the threat of Covid to health was so dire that we could ignore basic principles of disclosure.

Independent watchdogs such as the Advertising Standards Authority were convinced by this dishonest drivel to take a hands-off stance.

The latest data released by the UK government itself under OIA puts total deaths solely due to Covid over the whole period of the pandemic at 17,000, not the 155,000 we have been frightened with.

Fortunately now we have whistleblowers, many are just beginning to gain the courage to speak up in the still strangled information deficit of NZ, but here is one senior cardiologist and public health campaigner in the UK Dr Aseem Malhotra

“In the Times newspaper in October I discounted the contribution of the mRNA jab to cardiovascular disease. I now realise I was wrong. We’ve been completely conned and the truth does not look pretty. Time for the whole truth to be unleashed. Everything I know and have learnt from the most reliable pieces of evidence and experts in the past few months has caused me to lose sleep. I feel sick. Good God. What have we done?”

The most significant scientific lesson—genetic vaccine technology is inherently unsafe. The sooner this can be publicly debated the better.

Omicron is not controlled by vaccination

How long can the government continue to push vaccine mandates which are draining our economy and ruining small businesses in the face of the ineffectiveness of mRNA vaccines against Omicron, a mild variant that has evolved specifically to evade them?

Our courts failed to protect our rights

How did our courts come to the extraordinary decision to sideline the NZ Bill of Rights which should have protected us from medical experimentation and guaranteed our right of choice over medical procedures? This was an extraordinary failure of natural justice.

The offered excuse was a special case of medical emergency—from which just 50 people have died of Covid over two years, a figure dwarfed by deaths proximate to vaccination. Did our judges have no sense of the historical events which led to the creation of medical rights? How can they still see themselves as protectors of Common Law, rather than the enforcers of government policy they have become? Moreover, Dr Ashley Bloomfield seized the opportunity presented by this judicial vacuum, to deny people injured by their first injection any exemption to a second—a callous and essentially punishing attitude which goes against medical ethics; and victimises and endangers people who began by doing their best to comply with government policies.

Exemption. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. the BFD.

Media abandoned their principal protective role

How did our mainstream media decide to become a one-sided propaganda machine of the government? Did they have no sense of the traditional role of the media to investigate and question events and policy? In particular, their acceptance of an unwarranted fear narrative was key to the worst outcomes of the pandemic for our society.

DJ Omicron. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

Fear is a huge driver of social instability, it truncates rational thought and leads to hasty selfish decisions (whether the threat to life is real or not). It encourages scapegoating. The published tabloid-style stories of unrepresentative individuals overseas suffering extreme medical outcomes of Covid were presented as valid sources for public knowledge and expectations, while the equally frightening and relatively common side effects of vaccination here in NZ went unreported.

An unquestioning media support for mandates, in addition to the inexplicable failure to publicise vaccine injuries, also drove divisive attitudes. It is hard to imagine how the media will regain public trust.

Newshounds. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD.

This story still has a long time to run

Vaccine development usually involves ten years of safety testing. The most highly disadvantaged group in New Zealand facing a most uncertain future are vaccinated individuals who remain part of an ongoing genetic experiment. For example, those affected by cardiac events and precursive symptoms have a need for medical monitoring that is not currently being provided.

Our political system has proved inadequate to the task. Government expenditures to date have almost doubled the national debt. Inflation stands at 5.9%. Small business, retail, and tourist venture collapses continue. House prices have rocketed up by 30% as commercial money seeks safe havens. Our room to manoeuvre is limited.

Begin by uniting a country behind openness and honesty and behind acceptance of difference and diversity. That will be a good medicine.


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